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Communal Wardrobe and Props

Hi everyone

We are watching A Deadly State of Mind as I type. My nine-year-old daughter has just noticed that Nadia Donner is wearing the same mauve dress as Mrs Hayward in Candidate for Crime (at her birthday party). The next morning, Nadia Donner is wearing a hilariously over-the-top fur-trimmed dressing gown which was also worn by Lily Stanhope when she and Nicky were reading the morning papers in Dagger of the Mind (and possibly also Tony's philandering wife in Greenhouse Jungle).

Of course the Donners also have the same living room furniture as Nelson Brenner in Identity Crisis (and Ward Fowler?)

Maybe this has already been covered in another thread, but I just love spotting the same props appearing in different episodes.

What are your favourite recurring items?

Re: Communal Wardrobe and Props

That's really interesting. Thanks for pointing that out. I haven't noticed the repeat props, but will pay more attention to that now. The one set that always sticks in my mind is that the living room in Short Fuse is the same as the living room in Ransom for a Dead Man, and I believe another episode as well, but I can't remember which one at the moment.

Also, nice to hear that we have future generation Columbo fans! I have several younger family members watching as well.

Re: Communal Wardrobe and Props

I'm TERRIBLE at spotting those things on my own. The only one I can name is that thermos with the zig-zag pattern - it shows up in PUBLISH OR PERISH and in SWAN SONG (as the thermos with the spiked coffee). And that's just about the only one I can boast of spotting.

Re: Communal Wardrobe and Props

You can find a little collection of them here, in the Scrapbook area of the site (starting about halfway through the article).

Probably my favorite is the reoccurring paintings.

Thanks for spotting some good "new" ones! And I love that your 9-year-old is a fan, and so observant.

Re: Communal Wardrobe and Props

Just resurrecting an old post to point out that the mauve dress is also worn by Miss McRae at the party where Riley Greenleaf comes in "drunk". Must be the hardest-working dress in showbiz!

Re: Communal Wardrobe and Props

Some of these costumes and props of course also end up on other Universal shows too if you get to watch enough!

1-Carol Flemming's blue dress in "Prescription: Murder" worn by Joan Hudson in the fake argument also was worn by a minor character in an "It Takes A Thief" that aired that same night, coincidentally.

2-Grace Wheeler's beautiful goddess gown from the open of "Forgotten Lady" was worn to lesser effect by Cassie Yates in a "Bionic Woman" several months later.

3-We've also seen Columbo's car turn up on an "Adam-12" episode (but with a different license plate I believe).

Re: Communal Wardrobe and Props

The unique-shaped operating-room with a glass balcony in "A Stitch in Crime" is the same room as the lab in "Lovely But Lethal".