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Double quote game

My list of quotes is starting to run low, so I thought I'd throw in a two-for-one in case I can't come up with any more! Identify the speaker and the episode.

The following 5 quotes are from MURDERERS:

1. "I dislike sending telegrams -- or receiving them."

2. "I think police techniques have changed a little over the years."

3. "Crime in the streets today is a brutal reality."

4. "Oh! Oh! Help me, please!"

5. "The force could use a hundred like you."

The following 5 quotes are from VICTIMS:

1. "I do so admire your candor."

2. "You're not the first, you know."

3. "I never knew you had a sense of humor."

4. "Statutory rape!"

5. "Don't drink!"

Re: Double quote game

M5 - Commissioner Halpern in A Friend in Deed.
V4 - Tommy "he won't quit on the tabernacle now" Brown in Swan Song.

Re: Double quote game

these are great! v1 is lily in murder by the book, v5 is charlie in last salute to the commodore.

Re: Double quote game

V2 is Deadly State of Mind - Carl Donner
V3 is Now You See Him - Jesse Jerome

M1 Old Port in a Storm - Adrian Carsini
M2 Death Lends a Hand - Brimmer

Re: Double quote game

M3 I think that's Nelson Hayward in Candidate for Crime
M4 - is it Negative Reaction - Paul Galesko (that's a guess)

Re: Double quote game

In the second group, # 3 is Carl Lessing in LOVELY BUT LETHAL and # 5 is Charles Clay in LAST SALUTE FOR THE COMMODORE.

Re: Double quote game

Good work so far! V3 is Karl Lessing, not Jesse Jerome, and M4 is not Paul Galesko. Any other tries on M4?

Re: Double quote game

M4 Is in Troubled Waters when Danziger stages the accident in the pool with the smelling salts.

Re: Double quote game

Correct, Pete! Good job!