The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Murderer(s) You Couldnt Wait to See Get Busted

There have been some real pompous idiots that I couldnt wait to see get nailed. Here are just a couple.....

Those two punks Justin and Cooprr in Columbo Goes to College
Oscar Finch in Agenda for Mrdr.

What are a couple of yours??

Re: Murderer(s) You Couldnt Wait to See Get Busted

+1 on Justin & Cooper. Probably my biggest satisfying moment in the series was watching them go down.

Beth Chadwick in Lady in Waiting. The way she treated everyone, from her mother to Leslie Nielsen's character was deplorable.

Dr. Mayfield in Stitch.

Re: Murderer(s) You Couldnt Wait to See Get Busted

Jarvis Goodland in "The Greenhouse Jungle". He was miserable. Maybe a lot of people like him because he bears a strange resemblance to very likable Arthur Kennicutt in "Death Lends a Hand".

Re: Murderer(s) You Couldnt Wait to See Get Busted

Wait - they're not the same guy?

Re: Murderer(s) You Couldnt Wait to See Get Busted

I think David was joking. Yes, they're both the same actor, Ray Milland.

Re: Murderer(s) You Couldnt Wait to See Get Busted

Milo Janus from Exercise in fatality. He's such a snake, swindling hardworking folks and browbeating drunken ex wives.

But the fact that he drinks his breakfast in vitamin form with carrot juice alone is reason enough for me to nominate him for this category. 😃

Re: Murderer(s) You Couldnt Wait to See Get Busted

Yes, I hate those kids. As others have said, I just wish there was a scene, even a brief one showing Jason's father's reaction when his son gets busted. Jason more or less states that his father is going to get him off the hook. But regardless if the father does or not I'd like to see the father apologize to Columbo.

Re: Murderer(s) You Couldnt Wait to See Get Busted

Deputy Commissioner Halprin was the one I couldn't wait to get caught...and also the murderer from A Case of immunity