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The Mirror

Just saw a Twilight Zone with Falk in it. The Twilight Zone is usually casual viewing but when Falk was on it, it was a riveting episode even with the obviously fake accent he was using. This episode was written by Rod Serling which I guess shows the talent he has as well. It was unlike any TZ episode I've seen so far, Falk sure has a way of capturing your attention.

Re: The Mirror

Even though it's so downbeat, I've always been fond of it. Two other good actors in it are Arthur Batanides (who was also in MIND OVER MAYHEM) and Antony Carbone.

Re: The Mirror

I really like "The Mirror" (I'm a TZ freak). Some of the people on the TZ boards have accused Peter of overacting in that ep. I disagree. He was playing a paranoid revolutionary leader (a la Fidel Castro), and I thought he did it extremely well.

Re: The Mirror

I didn't think it was overacting Falk has a way of capturing your attention. He had me watching to see what he was going to do next. The writing I thought gave Falk something to really act on. Also the concept Rod Serling came up with to show the paranoia of Castro was clever.

A few times Falk reverted to his New York accent, I was surprised they left that in but I didn't think it took away from the drama at all.

Re: The Mirror

Not to get too political, but along with the paranoia of Castro, a lot of people see paranoia ABOUT him in the story. But either way, it's entertaining.
Maybe Peter is a little "broad" as a Latin American character, but Antony Carbone is even MORE broad (but in an entertaining way).