The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Missing Time for Grace Wheelers Film

ok. Maybe Im micro analyzing. But at the end, Colombo offers four reasons why the film was longer then it should have been. True, the film did break. But there is at least one more viable reason. Grace could have just said that she was in the powder room. That was never suggested or investigated. And I'm sure if I think about it that's probably some more answers to that question. But again I'm probably over analyzing... it still was a great episode. One of the best.

Re: Missing Time for Grace Wheelers Film

I sometimes feel like the only one on earth who still uses euphemisms, because other people treat them as so dishonest (even when they AREN'T). So it's nice to hear "powder room" once in a while!

Re: Missing Time for Grace Wheelers Film

Columbo uses powder room in a few episodes.

Re: Missing Time for Grace Wheelers Film

And in DAWN'S EARLY LIGHT, he hesitates for a moment to use a men's room term (one that isn't even slang) when talking to an army officer! Which, again, is fine with me, because nowadays people can't LET GO of the bathroom slang for any length of time!