The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Re: negative reaction

There's a lot to like in this one, but I would have to say the most unique thing is that we see Columbo not only in the station, but at his desk.

And it's clean, too -- not cluttered like most desktops. I think the creators (if no one else, Peter Falk) payid attention to such opportunities, and all I can figure is: Either they wanted to reinforce that Columbo is never at his desk long enough to make it as messy as his raincoat (which, Falk said more than once, Columbo used like desk drawers); or, it was a choice deliberately "against type," to show that somewhere beneath the seemingly disorganized manner, is a mind as ordered and immaculate as that desktop.

Re: negative reaction

Hmm, that I see the screenshot again, it's not as cleaned-off as I thought! Still, my point remains: I would have thought they'd show his desk piled with papers to the ceiling, strewn with scraps, memorabilia, family photos, eggshells, cigar butts etc. -- and instead, they went in a different direction:

 photo negdesk.jpg

Re: negative reaction

to me the unique point is in the title. It is the only title which contains the vital point that proves the murderer is guilty. I don't think that any other title contains the essence of how the murderer is actulayy brought to book.

Re: negative reaction

maybe one more of these: By Dawn's Early Light.

Re: negative reaction

What I love about Negative Reaction is the backwards "KODAK" logo at the end.

Give it some deep thought:

Maybe the entire final scene was played backwards! So in that case, the clock wasn't the wrong time after all!!

Just a fun way of looking at that final scene.