The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Re: incredible mystery

I was thinking "Not only is it very tenuous, impossible to prove" from "Death Lends a Hand" although of course the exact initials did not work out.

Re: incredible mystery

good try. not right . The episode is where partick mcgoohan is a secret agent.
Best wishes and thanks for trying so hard.

Re: incredible mystery

"No one is ever who they say they are"

(I couldn't have done it without the hints.)

Let's have another one, Bernie!

Re: incredible mystery

fantastic - very well done!!! new one to follow shortly. bernie

Re: incredible mystery

Hey Bernie, you really need to find yourself some kind of a life.

Re: incredible mystery

hey ike - lots of people have offered me very creative and interesting answers (not just on the forum but many people I know who share our admiration of columbo) so please don't give up. Have another go. Answer released next week. Clue Murderer Patrick mcgoohan.
Best of luck and please don't give up too soon.