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Double Shock, cooking scene

Hello guys,

I am just watching double shock. And that cooking scene.. the scene itself is of course warm and nice and positive. But I am thinking, what kind of cooking programe is that?? the guy takes a random guy from the audience, ok. But then everything is wrong. First, Paris says "we have 4 eggs". While making this "dish" they used much more than 4 eggs. Plus, what kind of recipe is that?? eggs, lemon juice and butter? I am not a master of cooking anyway, but, do you really need a TV programme to see how to mix those 3 things?? Let me repeat - eggs, lemon juice and butter. Sounds not that complicated :PP

Re: Double Shock, cooking scene

Could be a Lemon Curd which always looks difficult on Food Network (unless it’s the Kids Baking Championship, they make it look easy)