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Re: Some more trivia

Oh No!!! Oh No!! I got it right!!!!! YAY!! and here I thought I was being ridiculous!!! YAY, again!!
I'm not trying to pat myself on the back or anything, believe me, but I have been really failing on all these quizzes and quotes thingys this gives me a boost in confidence. just may have something there....

Re: Some more trivia

.........but now that I think of it, Alex Benedict snuck away too.

Re: Some more trivia

No, it's not about a murderer sneaking away.

Re: Re: Some more trivia

Something about time . . . the chiming clock in Game, broken watch in Candidate . . . and the timing of the chess game--though I suppose all mysteries have something to do with timing.

Re: Some more trivia

Amazing Cassa, very impressive. I will pat you on the back even if you don't want to. I would never have guessed that. And I am still thinking about the first question...

Re: Some more trivia

Thanks Paul...when I posted it, I thought it was idiotic!!!

Now let us all just sit here and think of E sitting in his dark parlor, in front of a roaring fireplace, drinking a glass of brandy, surrounded by his collection of Columbo he snaps his head back in laughter as we poor desperate folks try to figure out the answer to the first question!!

Re: Some more trivia

Thanks, Cass, for those wonderful images. And I think you deserve another pat on the back for your brilliant deduction on the second question!

Here's a little hint for's not plot-related.

Re: Some more trivia back is starting to hurt!

.......not plot related?....hmmm......

Re: Some more trivia

Here are a few more clues to help everybody focus on what I am thinking about...

1. Hooker
2. Snails
3. Juanita!

Re: Some more trivia we have the hooker in Crucial Game, the snails in Dangerous Match, and Juanita the maid in Candidate........

E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what does this mean?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm going out of my Freakin mind!!!!!!!

Re: Some more trivia

Wait a minute.......
I think I have a guess. Is it the music? I'm thinking of the scene when Columbo visits Eve Babcock's apartment and there is that music playing. I always liked the sound of it, and I know it was used in other episodes. I think I remember it from the scene where Hayward's wife is calling out to Juanita, but I'm really not too sure.
I am dying to check this out, but when there is a quiz or trivia thingy going on here I don't watch the Columbo episodes involved. That would be cheating.

Re: Some more trivia

Yes, Cass, you got it!!! You are on a hot streak lately!

That same piece of music plays during the hooker scene, the French restaurant, and when Mrs. Hayward is drunkenly calling for Juanita. I always liked it, too.


Re: Some more trivia

Thank heavens this is over.........maybe my headache will go away!! (not my Headache2112!! )
Now in Dangerous Match, is it the scene with the snails with Dudek and Clayton, or with Columbo and Clayton?

Re: Some more trivia

It's the scene with Dudek and Clayton, but it starts after they start moving items on the table in their chess game (there is some other music playing earlier). That is when Clayton turns off his hearing aid and states "**** music!"

That is also, the first time I saw this episode, when I realized that that wire hanging out of his ear was a hearing aid.

Re: Some more trivia

Wow...that's the first time I've ever been censored on this's an odd feeling...I've been a naughty boy!!! It was only the "D" word!!! And it was just a quote!!!