The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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Re: Lt ????? columbo

Until Paul gets here allow me


Re: Lt ????? columbo

thanks welshie!

Re: Lt ????? columbo

aww....don't worry about it lee pain. it's just that it seems to come up every single month here. you obviously didn't know's ok!
actually i find it kind of fun when it does come up!! you make sure you hang around here....and in about a month you will see it brought up again!!

and by the way welcome!!! have fun here. it's a great site!!

Re: Re: Lt ????? columbo

I have two thoughts.

1. Wikipedia doesn't seem to be too reliable.

2. I frequently visit a drag racing message board. There is a racer named Dean Skuza who has been out of the sport for two or three years due to a lack of sponsorship. He is a very popular guy. I guarantee not two months will go by without someone starting a "What's up with Dean?" thread. It is a running joke. I always think of the Where's Dean topic when I see one about Columbo's first name.

Re: Re: Re: Lt ????? columbo

This is so funny, I decided to check Columbo on wikipedia, saw the Frank thing and then see this here!!!!!!!! HAAHAHHAHA

Re: Lt ????? columbo

it's my michael!!!!! yay!!!!
you little imposter, you!!!
good to hear from you again!
or are you really 'cassavetes' or 'ted' or......

ahhh...only joking with you!!