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Re: Looking for signalmen, quartermasters, or ops personnel from '71-'75.

I'm posting this as a backup, in case my email to you doesn't get through once again. Yes, the email address you have for Joe is correct. He's just not a "talker", and I can't do anything about that. Either have patience and keep trying, or just write it off as a good try. Sorry.


Re: Looking for signalmen, quartermasters, or ops personnel from '71-'75.

I was stationed aboard the CFA during the Mid-East cruise of 1973-74 and assigned to the Ops Dept (OE Div)as an ET (ETN3). You can see the cruise book for the deployment at: http://navysite.de/cruisebooks/ddg2-73/index.html

The CO at the time was CMDR D. L. Gurke. The Canadian EW you mention was MCPL Doug McGregor, who was also assigned to OE Division. Unfortunately Doug passed away a few years ago (5/2/2006).

Re: Looking for signalmen, quartermasters, or ops personnel from '71-'75.

I think the SM1C was John Connelly...Crusty old dude to us young'uns... I was in OC division with him, Rogelio Chavez and Johnny Weldon as RM1.. Came on board in 70 during that Med Cruise when the Adams was hit by a Greek freighter in Naples...what a wonderful place... Was on the STANAVFORLANT Cruise following the yard period in 70-71 in Chareslton, and the RefTra in Gitmo. Believe we joined the Nato group in the fall of 72, and went through the winter in the North Atlantic...except for being in Curacao in January, and three weeks later were steaming just south of Iceland or thereabouts.. I got out just before the MidEAst cruise, and was afraid they were going to extend me, as they did one of the 2nd class QM's

Re: Looking for signalmen, quartermasters, or ops personnel from '71-'75.

I am Joe Cooner. Was RM1 and leading Radioman on the Deuce 1972-1974. I remember you well with your little chin beard. Also remember SM1 John Connolly and Richard Holt. If you hear from John tell him I still have his shoe brush with his name on it. Don't know how I got it. The CO then was CDR Donald Gurke, the Comm Officer was LTJG Tom Anderson. During the MID-EAST cruise August 73 thru 30 January 74 the signal gang was John, you, Russ Comeaux, Joe Watson and Ed Kleich, a tall skinny guy. You have to remember some of the Radio guys like Mike Skurka, Jim Lewis and Ken Lee. We all bunked in the same compartment. You can contact me at coonnected@yahoo.com.

Re: Looking for signalmen, quartermasters, or ops personnel from '71-'75.

Rick Holt here;
Did you come onboard just after the STANAVFORLANT cruise? I am dealing with oldtimers disease now.. I have one of the cruisebooks from that deployment, and remember most of the guys in the radio and sig shacks from that time, but a lot of changes took place between then and the planned deployment to the MidEast. I remember RM2 Boogie Brown, Ken Lee, Dominic DellaBarba, Glenn Boldt, Don Hubsch, Henry Valdez.. and..... I will probably think of the rest about 2AM - which is really bad since I have to get up at 0500 to get myself geared up for Sunday School and Worship.

Where is it that I can look up the guys who were in the shack when I came aboard in Jan 70? And who was the chief when you came aboard?

Grace and Peace;

Re: Looking for signalmen, quartermasters, or ops personnel from '71-'75.


I Don't know about when you went aboard in 70 cause I didn't until 72. I was not in the Stanavforlant cruise book. In the 73 Mid-East cruise book I am the 1st class in the OC Division picture. We didn't have a Chief billet in the OC Division while I was aboard. John Connolly and I were the ones in charge in the Shack and Sig. Bridge. If you don't have that cruise book go to the web site noted in a few messages up from this one. Nice to hear from you.

Re: Looking for signalmen, quartermasters, or ops personnel from '71-'75.

Don, I came onboard in 1970 during the Med cruise and discharged in mid 1973. SMC Forrest was leading PO at that time. Others were Jim Lipka, John Frantz, Jim McGovern, Joe Watson. Also Bill Rowe and Joe Thoueau. I remember you coming on the signal bridge. I also went on the STANAVFORLANT cruise and the overhaul in Charleston and then GITMO. If you get this please let me know. I have tried to get in touch with other SM's but no avail.

Re: Looking for signalmen, quartermasters, or ops personnel from '71-'75.

Hi Don,

I was an RM, and I remember you in the ops compartment. I was aboard the Adams for the 72 Stanavforlant cruise, and the 73 Mideastfor cruise. Remember CO Donald Gurke, and the XO (I believe his name was Sheridan). Remember your SM gang, as we were pretty much tied at the hip with you guys.

Good times!

I'm from Brooklyn, NY, but I've been living on the New Jersey shore for 33 years. Looking to move south soon.

All the best