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Canadian Bank Rant Forum

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Canadian Bank Rant Forum
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Aw-right yous dames...


Come out wit your hands up, see?


What? Ya don't think I means business?


How's that for business? And if that don't work...


I'll call out da whole gang!



What? I was jus' messin' with ya's, y'know?


Okay, so I'm leavin'. But no funny business whilst I'm gone...

Location: Keeping a weather eye for SUMMER!!!

Re: Aw-right yous dames...

Ooooooooooo I can't wait to see that movie.

Location: The Zoo

Re: Re: Aw-right yous dames...

Great pics, LW!!! Thanks!

Location: home

I KNEW.....

He would be a great gangster, it's the walk, the attitude, the gum chewing....

Location: Who knows

Re: I KNEW.....

I'm hoping that gum chewing means he's getting off the cigarettes! Noticed he was chewing gum at the Oscars.

Location: Keeping a weather eye for SUMMER!!!