World of Froud Message Forum

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This forum is meant for all ages so please keep this in mind when you make your posts! Make sure you list your name (or nickname) when posting a reply or new message! Faery blessings!

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Welcome to the Froudian Message Forum!
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Who we all are...

It has been quite a while since we had a post saying who we all are. So I thought I'd start a new one

Name: Spriggan
Age: 32, 33 in 24 days
Gender: Female

Where I live: A suburb in Sydney Australia

How long have I been a Froudian?: Since I was about 5 yrs old, my Mum used to read to me from Faeries when I was that age and I have loved Brian Frouds artwork ever since and then fell in love with Wendy's work after seeing the Dark Crystal. I've been coming to the forum for around 4 years.

Do you guys think there should be more info?

Many Blessings to all


Favorite Froud Book? Runes of Elfland

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Drew
Age: 16
Gender: male

i live in tampa florida

i first fell in love with goblins and such when my dad bought me the movie "the labyrinth" when i was around 8. i've been drawing and into art my whole life and didnt know about brian froud until this year when my girlfriend introduced me to the book faeries, now i am in love with his artwork. i'm new on this site and have been posting for about a week

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Sarah
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Where I live: Near San Francisco, CA

How long have I been a Froudian?: Since I was born practically. The Labyrinth came out the year I was born, so I've loved it ever since I could watch it. I believe it was my brother that was into The Dark Crystal and The Labyrinth before me so I learned from him. I've been lurking around the forum for about...gosh...maybe 4 years now and I love it!

Adding a new category...
Have you met any of the Frouds?: I met Brian back in 7th grade when he was here for a book signing. My mom drove me all the way to the bookshop and even asked Brian some questions. I was quite proud of her.

Re: Who we all are...

I am a bad person that still has a package sitting on the table waiting to be mailed to you..... sorry!

Re: Who we all are...

30 years young

I'm currently living in a small town in Northern California.

I'm pretty new to the Froudian thing..only been aware of them for about ten years now, a friend gave me one of the books and it was all downhill from there.

Never met any of the Frouds.

I feel pangs of guit when I stay away from this board for too long, even tho I don't post much's good to know/connect with "kindred spirits".
I'm glad you are out there!

*hugs all around*

hmm and No one...I didn't realise you even had my address to send me anything (just kidding..couldn't resist that!) I'm always open to recieving random surprises and gifts tho.

Re: Who we all are...

I'm 23, I've been hanging out at this forum for maybe 3 years? It could be longer, I've lost track.

I'm Canadian, but I'm lving in Shanghai at the moment.

I've always loved faeries and Labyrinth, (I love the Dark Crystal now, but when i saw it as a kid, it gave me nightmares!) but i didn't know about Brian Froud until I got Lady Cottington, 7 or 8 years ago.

I have never met any of the frouds... just not geographically possible for me as yet.

Re: Who we all are...

Hiya No One Particular,

You are not bad at all my friend . Good to see you. I had a christmas card for you too but it didn't get passed my desk . It was a tacky Aussie one. It had a Koala on the front wearing a santa hat or something like that. There is always next year right?

I will email soon

Many, many Blessings


Favorite Froud Book? Runes of Elfland

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Tiffany
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Where I live: South Australia

How long have I been a Froudian?: well not that long, i mean ive always loved faeries but i was introduced to Froud's books about.. 3 years ago, so yeah it just went from there!

I come on the forum alot! But i hardly ever post because im lazy

Favorite Froud Book? all of em'

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Luiza
Age: 23 - as of February 1st
Gender: Female

Where I live: Uptown Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

How long have I been a Froudian?: Since I can remember, I had a Goblin pop-up book when I was 5ish and I loved the movie Labyrinth since I was 10 when my cousin showed it to me. But I didn't know about Brian Froud till I was in my teens, and Ive bought all my books within the past 5 years and I love them! Ive never met him or Wendy but I'd love to! Althought I'd prolly get shy and mumble a few things before running off. lol

Favorite Froud Book? Goblins

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Robin Van K (Sorry but I am MyBluePhoenix almost everywhere else and this is getting confusing! Does anyone have any objections to me changing it here???)
Age: 34 (35 in March)

Location: Hamilton Ontario Canada

I have been on this web site for about 5 years maybe 6. I have been in LOVE with Froud art since seeing Labrynth and have tried to find out everything about Faeries and the Otherworld ever since! I just really like the Fae!

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Mr. Johnathan
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Where I live: Bay City, Michigan

How long have I been a Froudian?: I loved "The Dark Crystal" as a child, but never knew of Froud. I discovered Brian when I was 15 or 16. I immediately fell in love with his artwork, and began believing in faeries. His artwork, along with Wendys has been so influental to my artwork now. I dont know what I would be doing if I didn't stumble upon "Good Faeries Bad Faeries" one day in the art section. ;)

Re: Who we all are...

Lady Leah, Mistress of all things evil and slightly sticky
Age: Age makes people biased,so I don't typically reveal it. But I'll give you a hint- I'm between 14 and 400.
Where I live: New England (we got clam chowda')
How long have I been a Froudian? I've loved faeries forever,since my dad built stick houses with me in the mossy woods behind our cottage in the White Mountains.

Re: Who we all are...

Name: The Gothic Faery on here. Jay/Josette normally.
age: 18
Gender: Female

I have been a fan of faeries and Fantasy since I was a child, being brought up with stories and such research by my dad(mainly). Brian Froud, I have loved his work since I was a child, but didn't really get too much into it until about 6 years ago?
I'm glad to be part of this site!
which I have been part of for about 4-5 years?? WOW!!! long!!!!!!!!


Favorite Froud Book? all of them

Re: Who we all are...

Nice to see some familiar names here! I used to be known as Willowsmum, because I have a little Willow faery who is four now! FOUR! Big girl. She had a lovely birthday party, and she went as peter pan, I went as Tinker Bell.

Anyhoo, these days I am mostly creating Tarot- one that is complete, The Tarot of the Sidhe, and two in progress, the Never tarot and the Transparent Tarot.

I'm engaged to a new love- we are having a Faery wedding next May, and are hoping to commision Brian and Wendy to make some masks for us!

I also sing with my other half in a band called Crocodile thong. :)

Love and Blessings,

Em xx

Re: Who we all are...

I'm Missy, Female and I'm 28. Live in the US :)

Been a fan of Brian's since Labyrinth (was too scared by Dark Crystal as a kid). Didn't know Brian and Wendy were involved with Labyrinth until I found the Faeries books by Brian and was so in love with the art so I looked for more! That was about 8-9 years ago? Looking forward to more Froud books that show us trolls, goblins, and other faeish creatures rather than faeries! Don't get me wrong, I love the faeries- I just love the Froud's pixies, trolls and goblins I think even more

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Jessica
Location: A suburb just off the island of Montreal, Canada

Been a fan of Froud since: My best friend discovered Good Faeries/Bad Faeries in high school and showed it to me. We've been collecting Froud books ever since. She was also appalled that I had never seen Labyrinth or The Dark Crystal, and made sure I watched them. She used to hang around the site, too, but I don't know if anyone remembers her... she was known as Kelpie Moon Priestess, I think.
I've been a member since we discovered Froud had a website... but I haven't been around much. I'd actually like to change my name, but I'm not going to because I'd like to avoid confusion.

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Tink (nervous about the 'revealing the name' thing - female)
Age: 22 (23 in April!)
Locale: Golden, Colorado

I have been a Froudian since I was fifteen when I first ran across the FAERIES book in Barnes & Noble (my dad got it for me after much begging at a used bookstore). I just knew it was real and I was hooked. I officially joined the website...oh what was that, I wrote down the date...August 23,2003 I think. I am a recent Labyrinth convert as of two years ago as well. (for the more mature audience, go to I'm Tink there as well. Three cheers for the Laby smilies!)

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Niamh S.
Age: just hit 35 (I think I may be the oldest person here! I'm about 7 at heart though)
Gender: Female

Where I live: on a mountain in the boonies in the westernmost reaches of New England with my wonderful family

How long have I been a Froudian?: Since I was a wee kid. I used to go into the bookstore and drool over "Faeries" I haven't changed much, except now I own it

Favorite Froud Book? All of \\'em, but I have a soft spot for Faeries - my first

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Frankie
Age: 33....but does it really matter?
Location: Spokane WA

I'm pretty new to the site, but I too spend too much time here. Kind of a lurker until I get up to speed with what has already been talked about.


Favorite Froud Book? faeries oracle

Re: Who we all are...

Who we all are...

It has been quite a while since we had a post saying who we all are. So I thought I'd start a new one

Name: faerie kingdom lover
Age: Over 30 mind you
Gender: Intelligent and kind lady

Where I live: A city in the suburb's in America

How long have I been a Froudian?

Probably since the Dark Crystal and the Labyrinth movie's came out. I love all of his books! And, didn't Froud also help out with creating Fraggle Rock show that was out too in the 80s? That rocked too!

Favorite Froud Book? Good Faeries, Bad Faeries

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Katharina
Age: 20
Gender: female
Where I live: Austria...right in the centre of europe

How long have I been a Froudian?
For about 2 years I think but I haven't been around much lately...I hope you all forgive me, but since my dad died, one year ago, my life changed..changed a lot...


Re: Who we all are...

Sidhe-Ra!!! I remember you when I first joined this loverly site.
You were one of the 1st people to Welcome me and I remember you mentioning your duaghter and the break-up of you and your (now) ex husband.
It's great to hear that you have moved on!! And I hope you shall send some pictures of your wedding!


Favorite Froud Book? all of them

Re: Who we all are...

Hi there!
My name is Colleen and I've been a serious Froud Fan since The Dark Crystal first came out. I was a terrible teen then, and my mom took me to the St. Marks Cinema in Greenwich Village, NYC. We both loved the movie so much that we turned around, bought another ticket, and saw it again.
I am a Navy Veteran, and my family is half Canadian , Half American. It seems that only the oldest girl (me) and the youngest sister were the only ones besides my mom who thought that they could brave the States. Glad to be here, glad my kids are here.
I live in Gilford, New Hampshire now. I wanted my sons to be closer to the Faery Wilds. I was a single mom, well...I still am, it's just that they're all grown up now. (17 and 20)
I've been a part of this type of world for so long, I have even named my first born son Forrester Drake. (Keeper of the Forest Dragon)I figured someone had to protect those poor little guys!
My favorite Froud Faery is a dark faery named Leanan Sidhe. Not all dark things are bad!
I'm a full time college student now, and unfortunately I'm one of those artsy types. I have my Associate's in Business Admin, and I'm in the process of getting my BA in Visual Communications.
Rocking On,

Favorite Froud Book? Love them ALL! Both Wendy's and Brians.

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Amy C. H.
Gender: Female
Location: Northeastern Ohio
Age: 18 1/2
When I became a Froudian: When I first saw Labyrinth at age 6.
Hobbies: Cartooning, being around friends, browsing the internet, listening to music.
Signs: Leo and Dragon
I seem to have deep roots to chaos. I love strange stuff and have senses a little to sharp for their own good. I am a deep sleeper, and have met many people whilst asleep that I would not have otherwise.

Re: Who we all are...

this iz gunna be veeeeeeery ( very very very) -vague- ^_^23 ^_^boy ^_^haverhill mass (us) -_^ n i very muchly enjoy anime.^_-

Re: Who we all are...

We'll get along fine, then. I love anime.

Re: Who we all are...

noooo! there supposed to guess my age in the other thread...thats CHEATING! btw, im the jonathan 'without' an 'h', jonjon! ^_^

Favorite Froud Book? good/bad n the card 1.

Re: Who we all are...

what kinds of animes do you like budderfly?

Re: Who we all are...

I'm a Virgo and Dragon!

Favorite Froud Book? all of them

Re: Who we all are...

Name:Bree (Bran)
Age:19 ^^
Location:New England mainly...Boston where else
Hobbies:Writing, reading, drawing, watching anime and music.
Hello, Lets see I was a froudian before I knew I was a froudian...does that make sense ? Anyway love the labyrinth, the last unicorn, and especially harry potter! Oh yeah has anyone ever seen the faery faith it's awesome !?

Favorite Froud Book? Faeries

Re: Who we all are...

(bree) "boston where else" i'll tell you where else! haverhill, thats where else! i live in haverhill! ^_^ nice 2 meet you.

Re: Who we all are...

Boston is de shiz
So much prettier than NYC(Yankees are turnip-heads!)
Sorry,couldn't resist telling you all that,lol.

Re: Who we all are...

Name: FaerieShadow (Shadow)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Where I live: Elgin, Illinois
How long I've been a Froudian?: Since I was 6 and saw "Labyrinth" I have been coming to this site for about 3 years now. Though you don't see me often I am here, lurking in the shadows. I post once in a while but am shy.

I have not met any Frouds, sadly. But I do hope to go to FaerieCon.

Re: Who we all are...

name: little d, Dee4, snowowl(Poetry Castle)

I lurk in and out, about 4 years ago....I think

hmm froud fan since a wee one...

am ancient..haha

hi spriggan, Hi no-one...still got that hat?
hi to all the others..

Re: Who we all are...

Hi there little d,

Good to see you . I'm sorry I haven't replied to your email, I accidently deleted it and I couldn't find your address.

I hope all is well with you

Many Blessings


Favorite Froud Book? Runes of Elfland

Re: Who we all are...

I became a Froudian after taking a keen interest in Jim Henson's movie 'Labyrinth,' as well as 'The Dark Crystal.'

I am not as into Labyrinth as I once was, but it will always be an important influence in my love of all things fantasy-related.

As for personal info, I'm 31 (I'll be 32 in October), and live in Chickasaw, Alabama, which is a small town just outside of Mobile (which is where I'm originally from).

My biggest interest these days is Shakespeare's play, 'The Tempest,' as well as some of the bard's other comedies.

Favorite Froud Book? Faeries

Re: Who we all are...

Ohhh! Hey everyonr! It's so nice to see some old names again! I've mainly been lurking but haven't been here in a while due to personal issues! But getting back on track...Really need to start one of the old threads again. Let me think and I'll see you on Saturday!

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Fiona/Fee

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Where I live: Devon UK

How long I've been a Froudian?: I have been a Froudian since i was teeny but never new it! The Dark Crystal and The Labyrinth were my 100% fav films! I have always been a lover of faeries and so on but on the down low but now i don't care and all the people i love know.

Re: Who we all are...

Happy May 8th everyone.

I'm Libra, 25, from Yorkshire (Huddersfield) England.

Dark Crystal is my all-time favourite film and I've been a fan since I first saw it at 8 years old.

One day I hope to have all my artwork displayed on a website. I'm curently making a film with my bro, which stars our own handmade puppets.

Re: Who we all are...

My real name is Jesse Phillips
Age: 22
Gender: Male

Where I live: Currently in the mountains of Colorado but I'll be moving to the flatlands soon too much commuting.

How long have I been a Froudian: Fell I just joined the site today but I'd say since I was about 4, pretty much as soon as I was a coherent enough human being to know what I liked. I grew up on the Dark Crystal and the Labyrinth.

Also check out my website it's my personal artwork.

Re: Who we all are...

I forgot to mention I was male. If it matters.

Nice art work Jesse. I particularly like the black and white drawings and the Fire Elemental picture.

You remind me of me, but you have more work and you're more experienced with CG art. Good luck with your career.

Re: Who we all are...

Jesse, your stuff is just unbelievably good! Where in Colorado? I'm more metro-Denver area.

Re: Who we all are...

I'm currently working the the Denver metro area, some freelance work down town, and I also work at this place out toward aurora. The house I most frequently stay at is up in the mountains on highway 119.

Anyway e-mail me, so our conversation doesn't take up the "who we all are" post.

Re: Who we all are...

I do a lot of freelance. I am an artist and do music.. typical artsy type :) I live in NYC, East Village. I rescue animals and birds when they need me. I am doing a "Happy" site to help that.
(Come and visit sometime!)
Happy LOL Day

Basically making my world totally opposite to the one I was raised in

Favorite Froud Book? all...

Re: Who we all are...

Merry Meet everyone!!! I think having a "meet & greet" space is a great idea!

I am froudpixie aka Kerry. I am new to this forum, this being my second post, but I hope to make many, many more and make some Froudian friends along the way! .

I live in the Garden State of New Jersey in the USA.

Being of Irish descent, I have been interested in and known about Faeries since childhood. I love Brian Frouds' work as well as Wendy Frouds'. I am a huge fan of other faery artists as well...who isn't??!!!!!??? Guess I'm just a lil' uncertain as to whether or not it's appropiate to mention them...yay or nay? Anyone???

Well, I guess that's about it for now...looking forward to getting to y'all!

Have great holiday weekend!

Blessed Be,

Favorite Froud Book? All of 'em!

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Catarina
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Where I live: Portugal, Faro (south of the country)
How long have I been a froudian: Since I was 13 years old. A friend of mine had "The Runes of Elfland" and i fell in love with all those beautiful creatures. When I saw them for the first time it was like I always had them in my imagination. It was really special to me. But Im new in this forum.

Sign: Sagittarius

Re: Who we all are...

I have been here before and it has been a looong while I am a girl and I live near Phili Pa. and in the summer this fairy love's flitting around in the pool.Check out fairy

Favorite Froud Book? alll!

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Lori
Place Minnesota

Im new here and learning as I go about faeries and the like.

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Cori (I go by lilac_ghost on other sites sometimes)
Age: 23

Where I live: A teeny tiny town in rural Utah

How long have I been a Froudian?: Since I saw Labyrinth for the first time

I've been on this board for almost four years. I usually just lurk, but sometimes I post.

Re: Who we all are...

Name: Pyrian
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Location: San Diego, California, USA
How long have I been a Froudian?: Let's see, I joined this forum about four years ago or so.

Re: Who we all are...

i think we all want to know who is merry ravenfaerie....
well mabye someone does..
just because of the knowledge merry raven. has.
allways has the answer for all sooo komplicated cuestions about this mistirious world of feaeries.


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