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SPAWAR UPDATE: Japan Earthquake and Associated Tsunami

Subject: Japan Earthquake and Associated Tsunami


I wanted to take a moment to provide you an update on the Earthquake and Associated Tsunami in Japan. Most importantly, ourthoughts and prayers go out to our close friends in Japan during this difficult time. The U.S. Navy continues to assess the situation and positioning forces so that they are ready to respond and provide disaster relief if directed by the Secretary of Defense. This is a
preparation of forces; the Navy currently has no direction to conduct disaster response operations. Such direction would come only following
a request from the Government of Japan to the U.S. State Department.

The U.S. Navy has no reports of loss of life to Naval personnel or their families. Recall efforts are ongoing. Additionally, no significant damage to Navy installations or ships has been reported.

In the Seventh Fleet, USS ESSEX, with the embarked 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, arrived in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, this morning. The ship is making preparations to depart as early as this evening. USS BLUE RIDGE, which arrived in Singapore this morning, is loading a Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief kit and making preparations to depart tomorrow morning. 7th Fleet has initiated a full muster of allpersonnel in Japan, and is verifying the safety of family members.

Ships in port Yokosuka stationed line-handlers to make adjustments as the water level changed in Yokosuka harbor. No damage has been reported to any of the ships.

CTF-72 (Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Force) headquarters in Misawa was briefly evacuated. It continues to be without power and is operating from a generator. CTF-76 (Amphibious Force) headquarters in
White Beach, Okinawa, moved its watch to higher ground at Kadena AFB, Okinawa, in anticipation of the tsunami.

Ships in Guam were directed to sortie if feasible. Ships unable to sortie initiated full personnel recalls and are standing by to adjust
lines during changes in sea level. At approximately 8:00 p.m. local time on March 11, USS Houston (SSN 713) and USS City of Corpus Christi (SSN 705) mooring lines broke free from the pier at Naval Base Guam due to a tsunami wave. Tug boats from Naval Base Guam responded quickly to the situation. Both submarines are safe.

In Hawaii, Based on constant monitoring of wave assessments, all USS and USNS ships are expected to remain in port. CNRH does not intend to sortie any other ships or evacuate Navy housing areas.

In San Diego, based on constant monitoring of wave assessments, all USS and USNS ships are expected to remain in port.

We will continue to lean forward and be ready to assist our close friends in Japan. I ask each of you to keep the Japanese people in your thoughts and prayers as they assess the damage from this tragedy.


Rear Admiral Pat Brady
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command

Re: SPAWAR UPDATE: Japan Earthquake and Associated Tsunami

One real issue is trying to keep one of their nuclear reactors from going viral.

“We just had our Air Force assets in Japan transport some really important coolant to one of the nuclear plants,” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said at a meeting earlier Friday.

The scram occurred without electrical power to run the coolant pumps and residual heat was creating a pressure situation. They evac'd 2000 people and vented the containment, but they still have a problem. Not good.

See link for CPF update.

Re: SPAWAR UPDATE: Japan Earthquake and Associated Tsunami

Meltdown confirmed. A second reactor is about to do the same. This will make Chernoybl look like a bondfire.

Re: SPAWAR UPDATE: Japan Earthquake and Associated Tsunami

Although the second reactor meltdown is termed partial, it is only a matter of time until it too will fail explosively. The third reactor may indeed follow suit. A catastrophe that will forever change the view of nuclear power in the world.

Re: Tsunami damage to Hawaii - pics and videos

From a friend in Hawaii. Check out the link:


Some interesting pics and videos from damage at Kona, Hawaii. Wiped out the road beside the pier and along the waterfront. Devastated many of the buildings along the waterfront including the newly remodeled
ground floor of one of the hotels. There are now houses floating in the bay where Capt. Cook made landfall.
