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Home insurance (SANDY)

After Katrina, on the Mississippi gulf coast, there was a heck of a problem with our insurance companies. The worst of them was Allstate and State Farm. The best was Farmers, Prudential, Nationwide, and USAA. One of the issues was sorting out the flood waters vice the rain waters. If your house didn't meet the criteria for flooding then they would use that against you on the losses to your property. They would say that you weren't covered for flooding. Also, there were people who would pull shingles off their roofs and do other things to scam the companies. After it was all settled, we now have higher deductables and some companies will not insure if our house is within a mile of the Gulf of Mexico. I think that now people can understand the need to follow a good hurricane check-off list prior to the storm arriving. We even have (of course we are in a HIGH IMPACT hurricane area) a box with only emergency hurricane supplies up on our attic. It shows what we had to deal with in our area with some of the big ones. The worst, in my memory, are Camille and Katrina that hit us. Anyway I hope that everyone will trust in God and keep the faith. It will get better with time. Just as it has with us here.
