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What did you do....

that was a bit crazy when you retired? I got my ear pierced, and threw out all my black socks. I have worn brightly coloured (some say blindingly coloured) socks ever since.

When someone comments on them I tell them that I wore black socks for 21 years 1 month and 11 days. A bit awkard when I have to attend a wedding or a funeral though. Gotta remember not to cross my legs.

Re: What did you do....

I quit wearing a watch. After watching the time tics for 20 years and constantly being reminded about time-lates, I figured there wasn't anything so important in life that I needed to wear a watch for any longer. Still have a couple stored somewhere, but not worn since retirement.

Re: What did you do....

Bought a truck; got my first tattoo; went back to college for a second Graduate degree; for starters! Enjoying every minute of the last 6 years being fully retired. Never looked back.

Re: What did you do....

After 51 years doing research and analysis, I fully intended to retire in 2007 until others called my attention to the K-129 and SCORPION conspiracy novels. With critical help from them, I was able to get hold of some of the original acoustic data for both events and establish those novels were written by individuals who, unable to understand the technical issues, felt free to invent scenarios to support their wildly erroneous conjectures: that the K-129 was attempting to nuc Pearl Harbor to trigger a Sino-American war and the Soviets sank SCORPION.

Collaborating with Norman Polmar and Michael White on the K-129 (AZORIAN) was more rewarding than any analytical experience of those 51 years. My final technical effort, the 12-page letter of 10 April 2013 to OPNAV on THRESHER, which is archived as an article on this site, provides conclusions based on the underwater comms between THRESHER and her escort ship, the USS SKYLARK, and analysis of the critical detection by the FOX array at Shelburne.

There will always be those who doubt the conclusions derived from analyses of the acoustic detections of the K-129, SCORPION and THRESHER; however, I am satisfied those conclusions are well documented and widely available in the public domain for anyone who will objectively consider and evaluate why those tragic events occurred 45 and 50 years ago. That is a good basis upon which to finally retire in 2013 and resist efforts to be further involved on these topics because what can be said has been said.

Re: What did you do....

I've worn a ponytail for the last 10 years. There was a lot more hair on the top back then.

Re: What did you do....

N/A... Ed Smock

Re: What did you do....

Was a baker before joining in '62. Went back to baking in '66.
Was a baker for 50 years total, getting up at 0300 EVERY morning.
Upon retirement, 10 years ago, I've used my alarm clock exactly 20 times, total.
That's twice a year. Once to leave for Florida in December, once to come back to Massachusetts in April.
Oh...it's set for 0300 for each of those days.
Charlie Costa

Re: What did you do....

So do you automatically wake up at 3 am even without the alarm clock? Seems like I wake up about the same time even on weekends when I don't have to get up as early.

Re: What did you do....

I do, Mike...just about every morning. Only now I watch a little TV or just read for about an hour, until I go back to bed for another few hours of sleep. heh
I do remember well, driving to my bakery at 0300 and seeing that blue glow of the TV on people's ceilings, and envy them. Now I'm one of those lucky folks.
Ya gutta love retirement!

Oh, another thing I did upon retirement. I've been restoring a '57 Triumph TR3 (for the past 7 years)...like the one I used to own before I joined the Navy in '62.
Check out the complete restore on my website

Re: What did you do....

Thanks for the tour. Very nice and enjoyable.

Re: What did you do....

Nice looking TR, really liked all the pictures and great detail work.

Re: What did you do....

I will let you know when I finally retire. Thanks for the ideas!!
