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IUSS member survives battle with COVID-19 - his story

So, I now have a friend, a shipmate, an OT and one of us who has contracted this deadly virus and thankfully has survived. He asked me to share his experiences to help ease our concerns. I am thankful my former shipmate, Rob has come through this disease. Long read but I found it helpful and comforting and trust you will too. Here is our discussion from yesterday, 3 April 2020.

Rob “As you know, I've been putting out a lot of jokes concerning Covid19. It’s No Joke. I have been battling the disease since Sun 22 Mar. (Joking is one of my coping mechanism) I'm on the mend and doing a lot better and I'm definitely going to recover from this. Lessons learned from my perspective... It’s out there and I did EVERYTHING possible not to get it. Self-isolated, wore a 3-M N-95 FACEMASK when going to grocery. Didn't matter. With that in mind, I was UNNECESSARILY Freak-out about contracting the virus because of the crazy news. I’m diabetic, have hypertension and a heart issue. Of course, I worried some, but mostly managed to think positive and focus on just getting well.

I can tell you I had mild to moderate symptoms and one very bad night (Day 7). For me the Flu was a little worse, as far as, overall suffering (I've been in hospital with Flu). Best way to describe, my #1 symptom felt like someone used my lungs as a punching bag, leaving bruises and now they just ache. Day 3 about 56 hrs. from first symptoms of mild intermittent chest tightness and headaches, I got a 101.5F fever. About 24Hrs later that changed to a low-grade fever(99-100F) that lasted intermittently throughout being continuously symptomatic about 9 days. My symptoms included serious to moderate lungs aching, moderate headaches, moderate sore throat (lower throat), moderate to intense ringing in my head (like a bad hangover). Also, occasional light coughing, but morning of day 6, I had the worse coughing fit of my life. It lasted a solid straight (no interruptions) 10min, then started to taper off over next 30min. It scared me! Everyday all symptoms came in waves, mostly feeling bad but occasionally feeling a little better. Basically, symptoms were not consistently equal in intensity throughout the day. That being said, the worst part was wondering how bad this is going to get when intensity would start increasing and being in the vulnerable category of pre-existing medical conditions.

I now have had Covid19 for 13 days (9 were of moderate suffering). Symptoms are now slowly subsiding. Acetaminophen is definitely drug of choice for treating symptoms, it definitely helped me through each day. I only told my Sister and Daughter because I was in same space as them, just prior to contracting, but did practice social distancing. Today both are past 14day exposure and currently not symptomatic. Also, I told my Best Friend in Miami whom I talked to everyday during this event. I needed his support and he definitely helped my mental state during this scary journey. As for rest of Y'all, I didn't want to have any of you worry, so I kept it to myself (which I have no regrets). As far as me being immune now, well that's unclear. They're two strands called L&S, kinda like the Flu A&B. So, I'm assuming I can still get the other Strand. But now having anti-bodies in me is some relief going forward.

I write this letter letting you know what it's like to be in the 80%, that DOESN'T need hospitalization. Please contact your Doctor if you get any symptoms (obviously). God forbid any of you contract Covid19 but if you do and need to talk to someone DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL ME, I'M AVAILABLE 24HRS A DAY. Any of your friends too (have them text me and I'll call back.) I am the only person I know who has had it and it would have been nice/helpful to talk to someone else who knows what it's like and has gone through it, so please call/text me if you need to talk. It's frickin SCARY ASS STUFF! If you are interested in reading my log/diary of every event from the beginning (Thank you Navy Training) let me know, I'll forward it to you.

Since I got cancer back in 2018 and currently cancer free by excellent VA care, taking care of Myself, losing 110 Lbs., eating right and taking Vitamin/ Mineral Supplements with 8oz of low-fat BUTTERMILK every day, I feel healthy again. In all likeliness, the fact that something as bad as cancer, forced me to decide to take care of myself, and in turn, helped me fight off Covid19. I swear by the Buttermilk! It’s a probiotic boosts your immune system. I used to get sick 3-4 times per year before the vitamins/min. And BUTTERMILK! I haven't been sick in 19months until this. FOOD FOR THOUGHT! BE SAFE OUT THERE! Rob”

Jim “Rob, I'm so sorry. But also, thankful you are on this side of it. I very much appreciate your perspective and feedback. It is scary out here wondering what is ahead when our family has never experienced anything like this and currently all healthy. You're in my thoughts.”

Rob “Thanks Jim. I'm thankful too! Hopefully I'll be the only person you know who dealt with Covid19...on the positive side, once I get a confirmed negative test, probably 3 weeks from now, I can donate my plasma hopefully be allowed visit my Mother who is in an Asst. Living Center on lock down. I’m not religious, but they are not kidding when they say "there are no atheists in fox holes." Thanks for your kind words Jim. Be safe!”

Jim “I shared your note with Kathy. She was relieved that you've gotten through hopefully the worst of this. We were wondering if you have any ideas or suspicions on where you might have contracted COVID-19? And do you have any specific recommendations on what more we should be doing to protect ourselves. We are self-isolating full time except for Commissary and medical appointments and daily walks in our quiet neighborhood. One son lives with us and he is still working.”

Rob “I went into self-isolation (which is easy for me because I live by myself) 12 March. I went to a large Kroger on Mar 17th wearing a N95 face mask right out of the package (I always kept them in my tool box when I was working and by luck had one left) Little below average people in store (early morning.) At check-out a bagger 2 isles over had a small coughing fit (30 feet away) not covering up and straight into the air. I freaked and you know me, I read him the riot act telling him he needs to go home now! The cashier and the store manager (who was nearby) obviously heard me and came over, looked at the cashier who gave the nod. Manager told him to clock out and take care of himself. The cashier thanked me as she handed me my change.

I got to my car unloaded everything, hosed the bags down with Lysol. Removed my mask and sprayed it and my hands down and rubbed it in. At home I washed hands, unpacked everything throwing away bags and washed hands again. 5 days later my first symptom of chest tightness happened in afternoon and went away. Monday, I got a mild headache that went away on its own. (I’m thinking psychosomatic at this point cause of the craziness in the news) Late Tuesday night ot all came back not like a hard hit but gradually and continuously. Weds morning is when the fever hit.

The only other thing I coulda shoulda done was strip, shower and put on clean clothes.
I was at my sisters to get meds (use sister address for VA) briefly and April works at Trader Joes and she scored TP for me (Nice to have people in high places! LOL) on 19March. They currently have no symptoms (thank goodness).

Please share my story. I hope it helps people to stay safe and people who need answers as to what to expect and, if need be, emotional empathetic support.

Hope this helps. Tell Kathy Howdy for me and as Always stay safe! GO NAVY!!! GO COVID!!!
Jim “What did you do with your shoes when you came home that day? I ask because we've been spraying them and leaving them in the garage whenever we return home. Also wash our hands as soon as we come in.”

Rob “I don't remember when I took off shoes but that's a real possibility because I usually take them off after I've done everything and ready to sit in my old man recliner!!! I’ll send you some parodies I wrote during my battle to pass the time and make fun of my enemy!”

Re: IUSS member survives battle with COVID-19 - his story

Capt. Donovan,

Thanks for posting this!


Re: IUSS member survives battle with COVID-19 - his story

Thank you Rob (and Jim) for sharing this with us.
I wish Rob continuing success with this battle. - Ed Smock

Re: IUSS member survives battle with COVID-19 - his story

I thank you two for sharing this information. I wish you all the best : safety, good health and smooth sailing.In these difficult times, we have many minutes to reflect on our fine Navy community which gave so much unselfishly through the years for our nation, our families, and our friends. ..and continue to do so.

Re: IUSS member survives battle with COVID-19 - his story

Rob, I am so glad you are on the mend. May God continue to Bless you,
Jim, thanks.

Re: IUSS member survives battle with COVID-19 - his story

Rob and Jim, thanks for the info. First good description of probable course of illness from the virus that I have seen. We are doing well here in the outback of New Mexico. Just registered first active case in Lincoln County yesterday. We have been staying in for the past twenty days and it seems that the majority of our populace is doing the same. Thanks again for the information,

Hope all of rest of we SOSketeers can stay safe through the pandemic.


Re: IUSS member survives battle with COVID-19 - his story

First of all, thank you so much Jim for posting that yesterday. It is so important that people hear first hand accounts of what this thing is like to go through.

Meanwhile, I am very saddened this morning. A friend of mine, who I have known since she was knee high to a grasshopper posted a note on Facebook this morning saying that her Mother-In_law had passed after a short bout with COVID19. Her mother-in-law was a few years younger than me, so in her mid to late fifties. I had met her once or twice. I know of no underlying medical conditions involved although there may have been some.

It just brings it that much more closer to home about how nasty this thing is and how important it is to try to avoid getting infected by it.

This is the note that was posted this morning:

Mom went to heaven last night after battling this stupid covid-19 virus.

Wednesday March 25th she was tested and found out on March 26th it was positive.

April 1st she was admitted to Liberty Hospital. Needing 100% oxygen with O2 levels in the low 80’s.

Thursday April 2nd her O2 levels started to decrease.

Early Yesterday morning her heart turned A fib. We were able to FaceTime with her in the afternoon. Her O2 levels continued to drop in the low 50's all day and last night Pastor and her sister were by her side as she gained her angel wings.

The family is getting together today to figure out the next steps. We will get through this together as a family and will let everyone know once we figure things out.

Re: IUSS member survives battle with COVID-19 - his story

Rob, Thanks for sharing your experience with us... and Jim we really appreciate your passing along Rob's experience with this devilish disease. Lord be with us all as we await some sort of vaccine or treatment that will help protect us and our loved ones.
