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Buddy Kriebel Update

From Sue Kriebel, this morning:

"Buddy started having mini strokes (TIA) in May and after 4 trips to the hospital, he was put on hospice. This coming January, it has been 4 years since he had the major stroke. My understanding is that only 40% survive the type of stroke he had and most have another major stroke within 5 years. He continues to have TIA’s but they are happening more frequent now. He told me last week that he had 4 and then on Sunday the nursing assistant told me he had one before breakfast. It is only a matter of time. He is alert and can talk when he is awake. He knows what is going on, but are we ever really prepared for the end of life?

He doesn’t use the internet any more and although he has a phone, he keeps forgetting to plug it in. A card sent to Room 302, 301 Clearfield Ave, Chesapeake, VA 23320 is always appreciated."

Please send him a card - Jack

Re: Buddy Kriebel Update

What a shame. Thanks for update.

Re: Buddy Kriebel Update

This is so terribly sad. He was a great guy, with a great sense of humor and that laugh!

Re: Buddy Kriebel Update

What a shame. Does not sound like the fun reader in my watch section at Midway Island. Hang in there Buddy and beat the odds.

Re: Buddy Kriebel Update

Sue, please let Buddy know that our thoughts and prayers are with him. He was in my watch section on Adak, flew on the P-3 to Midway with me (see photos in the NavFac Midway album on the IUSSCAA site), and we met you at the 55th IUSSCAA reunion.

Re: Buddy Kriebel Update

Buddy has many friends throughout the IUSS community. He is not alone. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family at this very difficult time. - Ed Smock
