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Re: Why Tornadoes Can Be So Destructive to Structures Like Your Home

Bruce, it appears that a subterranean or semi-subterranean house may offer protection from violent storms and tornadoes. Would the air pressure problem, in the event of a tornado, remain the same for a conventional home? Remember the bomb shelters in the 1950s and 60s? I'm thinking I may start digging tomorrow. Just a thought . . . . or perhaps a very :slightly_smiling_face: small, refurbished submarine in a large swimming pool.

Re: Why Tornadoes Can Be So Destructive to Structures Like Your Home


A house entirely underground would appear to solve the tornado problem .

If the roof was above ground, you might still have a lifting problem.

I seem too remember swimming pools being sucked dry.

In 1904, a tornado went through St Louis, crossed the Mississippi -
became a water spout - and then hit an insane asylum.

The comment was that it could not ave done more damage if
Napoleon had been directing it.
