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SOSUS relic circa. 1977

Happy New Year to my former shipmates!

I recently received a 45 year old harmonic scale in the mail from a former shipmate, Gail “Abbie” Smith. We were stationed together at NAVFAC Keflavik from 1976 to 1978. Abbie was an OTSN; I was an OT2.

Apparently she was going through some old boxes that she hadn’t been through in decades and came across this harmonic scale with my name engraved on it.

According to our recollections there was a major exercise going on in the Norwegian Sea, a SpringEx during that time frame. We were busy; I was the Duty Analyst; and she needed to borrow my harmonic scale. Somehow it never made its way back to me and she‘s kept it all these years.

When Gail recently discovered this IUSS relic she contacted me and asked if I wanted it back. Of course I did.

My specific memory of that event is shaky, but I do remember the scale and I do recognize my etching on the plastic. I want to say we all were issued a plastic harmonic scale as Duty Analysts.

An awesome find. I uploaded 2 photos. Russ, please add to my photo album.

- Jim Donovan
