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Phil Brown Passing

I am so sorry to report on Phil’s passing. I first met Phil on San Nic in 1965.
He was my friend and he meant a lot to me.

Rest in Peace my friend.

Philip Lee Brown | Obituaries | fauquiernow.com

Take care – be safe.


Re: Phil Brown Passing

Really sorry to hear of Phil's passing. I also considered him a good friend. He and I collaborated on a number of personnel assignments when he was our detailer. We got to know each other well and in early 82, Phil flew to Bermuda and over a "few drinks", he conned me into relieving him at NMPC.
I considered Phil a real gentleman and a man somewhat before his time. Phil had deep personal feelings regarding some of the hazing conditions the Navy (and other services had) that, during those times, were considered traditions. Phil would have no part of those traditions and probably passed as a happier man knowing that a lot of those "traditions" have been cleaned up in recent times.
He led a full and interesting life and as Sinatra would say, "He did it his way"
Rest in piece my good friend.


Re: Phil Brown Passing

I’m sorry to hear of Phil’s passing. I don’t think I ever met the guy but have an interesting story that showed his ability to be persuasive or decisive as the OT detailer.
I was a young CPO at CVB and got a call from Phil. He said he was picking 2 chiefs to go to SOJ, via Defense Language School,
to instruct and provide OJT to some of those folks. He wanted me to be one and told me to talk it over with my family and think about it and call him back in a couple weeks. It was a flattering call and I was really pleased about it. Anyway, talked to my wife about it and for various reasons, such as rotation and having 3 kids, we thought it wasn’t an ideal situation. I called Phil back and told him I was flattered but after careful consideration I wanted to decline. The immediate response from Phil was “Oh, you misunderstood Randy. You’re going!” :) In retrospect, he was attempting to provide me with some leeway in thinking it over but had decided that I was going- a pretty smooth way to make it happen and I’m sure it reflected his consideration for me and still satisfying the needs of the Navy. Chris and I decided we would make it work and were ready to go, but it all got superseded when I was selected for LDO not long after. It was back to Kef!
So I salute Phil for balancing out the wants and needs, something detailers had to deal with every day. May he rest in peace and be appreciated for his service to our country.

Re: Phil Brown Passing

Ed Smock
I am so sorry to report on Phil’s passing. I first met Phil on San Nic in 1965.
He was my friend and he meant a lot to me.

Rest in Peace my friend.

Philip Lee Brown | Obituaries | fauquiernow.com

Take care – be safe.

Only with Phil at Brawdy for a year or so and he later became the OT detailer. During my 30 years I had observed the performance of many Chief Petty Officers. Let me tell you that he was one of the best Chiefs I had the pleasure to know, observe and get to know personally.
He was truly a great asset to our Navy and many of the young sailors he positively influenced.
It was my pleasure to have known him and will enjoy the memories

Re: Phil Brown Passing

Very sad to hear of Phil's passing. I knew him only as a function of his detailing efforts. We collaborated several times to ensure commands had top notch personnel. An exceptional. Navy Chief. My sincere condolences to his family.

Re: Phil Brown Passing

I was stunned to hear of Phil's passing. My sincere condolences to his family and friends.

While I never served with him during our Navy careers, I did have a few phone discussions with Phil while he was our detailer. I truly believe he always did his very best to balance out individual wishes with needs of the Navy, a challenging job, to say the least.

Much later, when I was working at TRW McLean VA, developing Integrated Logistic Support Plans for new subsystems (i.e. ABF, IAP, etc.) Phil retired from the Navy and applied to TRW for employment within our Project group. It was SOP for each member to interview prospective employees. During his interview, a couple in the group were "fence sitters", but there was no doubt in my mind that Phil would be a very valuable asset. Following my interview with Phil, I strongly recommended him to our Project Manager, retired Capt. John Rigsbee (former COSP Commodore).

Shortly thereafter, Phil joined our group as the lead Training Plan developer. To say he was a valuable asset is, in many ways, an understatement. He quickly applied his skills to mesh with the engineers, ILSP staff and many others to develop quality training plans for new subsystems.

Phil and I became very good friends and coworkers during our time together. Sadly, after I left TRW, some three years later, Phil and I never saw each other again. May you rest in peace shipmate.

Re: Phil Brown Passing

I never served with Phil (The Fonz) either but he was the Detailer when the McCloy returned from the Med in 1981. Denny Conrad had found out that I was not on the Chief's List which made the Homecoming a little less enjoyable. After a week or so of standdown, I called Phil to discuss some personnel changes. I introduced myself as OTA1 Moseler and he said who! I repeated myself and he said you mean Chief Moseler! I didn't quite know what to say and he went on to explain how that happened. Needless to say, it made my day! RIP Shipmate. Our sincere condolences to Phil's family.

Re: Phil Brown Passing

A good man, with a sense of humor. He helped a lot of careers.

For your consideration....Below is a link to Phil's "Find A Grave"memorial. In respect for grieving families, Find A Grave makes recent memorials inaccessible for a 90 day period. Phil's memorial should be accessible by 30 April 2023. There is no cost; anyone can view the memorial, leave a virtual "tribute" such as a flower, flag, etc. There are special icons available for veterans, police, etc.

At the very bottom of the Memorial is a "We Remember" link. Stories, anecdotes, etc can be entered here, again, at no cost.

This is an amazing way to keep memories of departed friends & family fresh in our hearts & minds.
If you know of other IUSS mates that have passed, memorials can be made for them as well.

Two accessible memorials of departed IUSS folks:


If you have questions, ask. I'm a "Graver" myself.

Re: Phil Brown Passing

Ed, where is Phil interred. Any link for an obit. EKD

Re: Phil Brown Passing

Phil is at Arlington.

He has an on-line "Find-A-Grave" memorial at


The site is free. Phil's obit is posted on the site. You can leave a virtual flower, flag, etc. There is also a "We Remember" section where you can share your memories of Phil with a much wider audience.
