That's interesting cause I still see me namevon the list
Ed, Here is the membership list, I do not see your name on it. https://www.iusscaa.org/namelist.htm If you are talking about the annual membership roster that gets sent out in November then that is a different story. If that is what you are talking about I will see what I can do about that but removing as name from that is not as easy as you might think.
I did see it before posting, but I don't see it anymore. Thanks
We updated yesterday at 6:20pm CST, that is why you probably saw it yesterday but not today. The only way to remove you from the list, as you requested, was to remove you from active membership. We update the name listing and the memorial listing in the first 10 days or so of the month. This month I was behind a bit. Sorry for the confusion.
No problem. Thanks