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Re: U.S. revives Cold War submarine spy program to counter China

Concur, JRV. Talk about full circle. Drones and satellites, seems like science fiction compared to our days doing this work. Time to break out the red pencils and calculators. You better sharpen up that sonar equation.

Re: U.S. revives Cold War submarine spy program to counter China

John, I’ve simplified the equation just for you for your mid watch:


LN-loud noise
IP- improper phase
MW- mid watch
HA- half asleep
MT- missed target


Re: U.S. revives Cold War submarine spy program to counter China

Too funny! You made my day!

Re: U.S. revives Cold War submarine spy program to counter China

Just got around to reading the article and related comments on the msg board. Interesting indeed! You guys are hilarious!! If reincarnation is plausible, I am putting in a special request chit to come back as an OT with an acronym handbook that explains all those new terms (i.e. TRAPS, etc.) Counting on a HUGE reenlistment bonus.

Re: U.S. revives Cold War submarine spy program to counter China

I've been up all night creating some new Oral Board slides. Where is that overhead projector? Dim the lights.........action!!!

Re: U.S. revives Cold War submarine spy program to counter China

I can hear the drones and Robots crying out,

"Oh No, not a Widenor oral board!!!!!!!


Re: U.S. revives Cold War submarine spy program to counter China

Quick story.

I took a Reader into his qual board with George, in Iceland in 1977. I'd been onboard about a month and didn't have a clue what I was doing. My guy didn't do well and George stopped the board, dismissed the sailor and turned to me.....

When I left the conference room, I was determined that would never happen again. I furiously copied every one of George's slides during the next board.

I used that notebook of slides to prepare my section for boards.

Jim Donovan appears on the watch floor on my Sunday day watch and wants the slides. I'd hidden their existence lest Big G find out. I finally relented, gave him the notebook and he and his board candidate sat by the DAC center studying.

Well, lo and behold, G comes in on the weekend and comes up behind Donovan and the slides. We're done, I think.

He grabs the slides and starts paging through them. Hmmmm he says. I've added some extras. He wants a copy.

He turns to Donovan and asks who made the slides. Donovan considered taking the heat for a millisecond and looks at me.

George glares at me for a few but it's all show. He says, "About time you knuckleheads (might have been a different descriptor) got with the **** program and trained your people.

He dropped the binder on the table and departed. I looked at Jim and him at me...not sure if we were going to be messcooks or SOQ candidates.

As all of you who had the privilege of working with Master Chief Widenor....it wasn't easy.

Best years of my career. Wish I could go back. I'd get Donovan in trouble, somehow.

Re: U.S. revives Cold War submarine spy program to counter China

That’s hilarious, Nick. I had an OT2 in my section who was scared to death of George. I told him, jokingly I think, to go into his plotter OB and state “I’m here for my plotter’s board and nobody in this room can intimidate me” He actually did it 😂 He’s the same guy who secretly called George the Crusher. George was told this and he came in one night and while standing over one of the plots he suddenly asked the guy “what’s this Crusher shyt?” I swear, his heart stopped and I was afraid he was going into total arrest. He survived to plot another day though 😂

Re: U.S. revives Cold War submarine spy program to counter China

What's really crazy is that we were already doing Qual Check Off sheets, written exams and orals when I was at NAVFAC BARPT from 1971-1973 courtesy of several prior NAVFAC ARG "Nazi's"; Dave Williams and Chuck Cable to name a few :joy:


Re: U.S. revives Cold War submarine spy program to counter China

Brings back memories of Ford Island and the prototype oral boards of that day.

If the Navy is smart they will research what was accomplished then to rebuild the capability for todays threat.

I miss those times...

Re: U.S. revives Cold War submarine spy program to counter China

"An intricate dance is taking place in the South China Sea. The dancers are two shoals of fishlike swimming robots; they circle around each other, or drop to the seabed. Some are trying to follow the robots on the other side; some are trying to slip past and remain unobserved. They bunch together, dart in all directions, or attempt to conceal themselves in floating patches of weed. The sea here has a faint noise not heard elsewhere; it closely resembles the usual hum of underwater activity, but it is actually the sound of chaotic acoustic communications. These are underwater modem signals carefully blended to match the background noise, the chatter of the two shoals as they locate, identify, classify, and try to keep tracking the other side. Shipping passes by above, but there are no vessels underwater bigger than a shark. This underwater world of gliding robots, some carrying sensors and some carrying warheads, is not safe for manned submarines. Anything so big and noisy would be instantly spotted and targeted, and as well as their own weaponry both shoals can call on formidable air support. Underwater warfare is now exclusively the domain of robots."

The above excerpt is from a British Study examining the Trident Replacement feasibility and whether the U.K. should spend the money to replace the current Trident fleet. This scenario is coming to pass faster than expected with AI based surveillance.

Re: U.S. revives Cold War submarine spy program to counter China

And these are some unclassified versions. See link.

Re: U.S. revives Cold War submarine spy program to counter China

That was in 2014, check this out. See link.

Re: U.S. revives Cold War submarine spy program to counter China

And our adversaries may be far ahead... see link.

Re: U.S. revives Cold War submarine spy program to counter China

Want proof? This is a CCP sponsored company. See link
