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Veterans Day

I’m sure most have you experienced the same thing I have over the years and that is veterans have a special bond with one another. It can be someone you’ve known for years or a person you just met, there’s just a natural connection we share. Service branch doesn’t even matter that much, after the good natured teasing and laughing are done we are comrades. Some of this is from shared experiences, of course, but the biggest factor in my opinion is that we are Americans. Americans are a special breed and the men and women who have served are great examples of that. One of the most outstanding trademarks of an American, especially military members, is that we run to the problem and not away. It’s in our DNA. It is said when an enemy was approaching the Spartans asked not how many but where are they? That’s the attitude I see and feel from just about every veteran I’ve ever encountered.
My favorite veterans will always be you folks, those that were for the longest time hidden in secrecy within windowless buildings. Most knew nothing about us and we certainly weren’t in it for the money, but we kept coming back for more. It was our way of life few could ever appreciate or understand. So, I salute each of you this Veterans Day and render my heartfelt thank you for all you did for our country. Because of you we won. It was in our DNA!

Re: Veterans Day

Well said Randy! And Ithank you, and all veterans, for the selfless dedication and common sense that always prevails when we are threatened by those who would try to take Ameica down. Have a good veterans day and take care.


Re: Veterans Day

Hi Rick, Dane here. Give me holler when you get a chance at danebroussard@verizon.net. Thanks!

Re: Veterans Day

Echo Rick's comment. Well said my friend. Proud to be among the elite group and of every other veteran out there. My salute to all. Be well and enjoy the day.

Re: Veterans Day

Thanks, Randy, for your eloquent expression of gratitude honoring American veterans. As my younger brother, who passed away last year, and who served in the U.S. Army, stated a few years ago in a Veteran’s Day tribute: To all the men with whom I was privileged to serve and to all the men and women everywhere who have served our country in uniform and to their families who waited, worked, and often sacrificed during their loved ones’ absence . . . Happy Veterans Day! . . . Everyday! . . . Stand tall! . . . Be proud!

Best regards! Ben.

Re: Veterans Day

Well said, LT! (you were a new Chief when we last argued on a target!). 😁

My best to the rest! Our future looks bright but our Vets need our help. There are still tens of thousands on the street. Personally, T2T is a great charity but that’s no secret.

God Bless


Re: Veterans Day

Tim, I don’t remember that encounter but if you still remember it it must have been a good one :)
Stay well and be blessed.

Re: Veterans Day

Excellently said my friend!
