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Re: CARBON DUST /Pact Act NavFACs without VAC SYSTems BURN Pratices

Larry, most areas have a VA advocacy office than help you apply for any related disabilities. Unless you have documented issues in your Navy medical records it’s pretty difficult justifying them being service related. Also, I think most approved disabilities don’t provide income but they do allow you access to VA medical services. I’m sorry you’re having so many health issues!

Re: CARBON DUST /Pact Act NavFACs without VAC SYSTems BURN Pratices


The VA clinic Dr. in Lansing, MI which I go to submitted something in my medical records recommending my respiratory disability (two partially collapsed lungs and severe allergies) be considered for compensation under the PACT Act. I then submitted a claim with the CAT scan documenting it and pulmonology test rests as evidence. It took them 2 years, but they approved me in July 2023 for a 10% disability rating for it. Keep trying and best of luck.

Re: CARBON DUST /Pact Act NavFACs without VAC SYSTems BURN Pratices

Hey LC,
Sorry to hear of all the medical issues. I'm uncertain what you need to do. I was on Guam in 68-70 at Ritidian Point and thus am a PACT act assumed person, but have yet to explore it. I have 7 of the Agent Orange Disabilities cited. My best advice is to contact Disabled Vets and try to get an advocate with them.

Best of luck... Rick

Re: CARBON DUST /Pact Act NavFACs without VAC SYSTems BURN Pratices

I don't get on here often enough. I concur with Rick Matthews. You need to find a DAV or American Legion Counselor that is good at what they do. A good one will get it done!
