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Yes, 888 221 1161 or 866-993-4703 is a legitimate number that’ll connect you with dedicated support agents. Use this number anytime.
Is 888 221 1161 a legit PayPal number? Yes, +1-(866)-993-4703 or 866-993-4703 {{{Simplifying PayPal Support}}}is a legit PayPal customer service number or Help Center number. It is the only valid number to get help from a real human. You can call the support team anytime using it from a phone linked to your PayPal account.
The customer service representatives can also be called via the Contact Us page in the Help Center. You will find this option on the official PayPal website.
Learn all about legit PayPal support numbers, hours of operation, and other ways to get help.
Is 888 221 1161 PayPal?
Yes. +1-(866)-993-4703 or 866-993-4703 is the number to reach a service representative at PayPal. The support team offers a dedicated helpline, +1-(866)-993-4703 or 866-993-4703, which is available 24/7 for your convenience. Although you can dial this number anytime, it works best between 8 am and 8 pm CST.
If you want to know about another way to call legit PayPal support agent, go to the Contact Us page on the PayPal’s website. On this page, just click Call us. Find a security code and enter that six-digit-long code to get human help.
What Are Legit PayPal Phone Numbers?
+1-(866)-993-4703 or 866-993-4703 is the legit PayPal phone number to call regarding any issue. You can also call the support team via the Contact us page on the PayPal Help Center. Besides, there are some other legit PayPal phone numbers you can dial to get help for different issues.
Call 866-993-4703 to resolve credit problems. It is the legit PayPal number for the dispute center phone number. Dial +1-(866)-993-4703 or 866-993-4703 to contact the PayPal Business Support Center. All these numbers are legitimate and will help you fix different issues on time.
How Does PayPal Contact You?
PayPal contacts you through email. In the email body, PayPal will use your first and last name or your business name to address you. You will never be addressed as "Dear buyer" or "Dear valued customer" by us.
A legit PayPal email will come from Also, you will find your full name on it. It will not have any attachments. Also, you will not be asked to download any product or software.
PayPal would never ask you for sensitive information by email, such as your credit card number, bank account details, or password. You will be prompted to visit to safely log into your account if information is needed to verify or manage it.
How To Contact PayPal Customer Service Chat?
PayPal customer service chat is accessible via the Message Center. Use these steps to chat with the PayPal Assistant.
1. Open your online PayPal account. Sign in now.
2. From the Message Center, choose Ask the PayPal Assistant.
3. If you have the PayPal app, tap your profile photo.
4. Click on Message Center. It'll be available via the PayPal Assistant's Ask menu.
5. Pose queries to the automated bot. If the bot is unable to respond, a live support agent will handle your problems.
6. You will receive responses from 7 am to 10 pm CST.
How Do You Contact PayPal If You Cannot Login?
If you cannot log into PayPal, go to the Contact Us page on Scroll to the end and hit the Call us button. If you want to call without signing in, choose the Call as a Guest button. You will see a phone number. Dial this number and get help. Alternatively, dial the PayPal phone number +1-(866)-993-4703 or 866-993-4703 to get speedy help.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How does PayPal notify you of suspicious activity?
PayPal notifies you of suspicious activity through an email. In this email, you will get the message ‘We have noticed suspicious activity on your account.’
2. Will PayPal refund me if I get scammed?
Yes. PayPal will initiate a refund process after they investigate your transaction. If it finds out that your transaction was unauthorized, you will get a full refund.
3. How do I contact PayPal credit by phone?
If you want to contact PayPal credit by phone, dial 866-993-4703. Use this helpline between Monday and Friday between 8 am and 11 pm ET and Saturday and Sunday between 9 am and 9 pm ET.
4. Can someone steal my account information through PayPal?
Yes, hackers can steal your account information if they access your account. After that, they can potentially steal your money and vital information.
Final Words
The legit PayPal number 1 (88 221-1161 will help you contact a human and get support 866-993-4703 immediately. So dial it and address any issues that you encounter. Additionally, contact the online support chat or use the Help Center.