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Medical Assistant Salary

I just don't get it! Why are the salaries for medical assistant so crazy. I read post of MA's making only $9/hr while I make $18/h and I have only been a MA for 3 years. I started off at 12.50/hr in 2004. I undrstand why some of you are "mad". I think everyone should just go back to school! I am in school right now(I want out of the medical realm!) because this is already such a thankless job......I couldn't do it if I were only making what some of you do!

Your Professional Title/Credentials: MA, CNA

Are You Still In School? YEs

Are You Working? Yes

Re: Medical Assistant Salary

It is bizarre, I know CNA's bust their butts off, but I know two that are making more than myself; and they haven't been in the field a year. So if I have more training and experience where's my pay?

Your Professional Title/Credentials: CMA/CPT

Are You Still In School? no

Are You Working? yes

Re: Medical Assistant Salary

I live in Michigan (near Detroit), and MAs on average (according to make about $30,000- $33,000 a year, which is more than in mostRM states.

Why such a vast difference?

Re: Medical Assistant Salary

I guess it depends on the area, I live in a large resort area; and I know some MA's are paid more per hour, It depends on what doctor thinks your worth? If you work at a family practice that is run by a hospital you are more likely to get paid less (which is where I work) I've heard in private practice the starting pay is slightly higher, also if you get with a civilian contractor for the military, pay is also higher, depends on where you go; but it is still amazing CNA's (I know they do more physical more work than we do.)

Your Professional Title/Credentials: CMA/CPT

Are You Still In School? no

Are You Working? yes