This active Medical Assistant Web Forum is maintained by Danni R., former Certified Medical Assistant, who has made her mark on the Internet by reaching thousands of medical assistant students, graduates and experienced medical assistants coast to coast through her well known websites and web forums dedicated to ALL medical assistants in the USA and abroad. Many medical assistant students and professionals have come and gone, leaving posts about their dreams, concerns and aspirations. Many reached out whenever possible to lend a helping hand to their peers in the true spirit of this profession! Thank you to all who have supported and contributed to this very active Medical Assistant Web Forum.

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This forum is dead

It used to be so much more active. I guess you're all too busy with work, family, etc. I guess that will be me too, starting on Monday. Nice chattin' with ya'll. Peace.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: RMA

Are You Still In School? No

Are You Working? Starting new/better MA position in 4 days!

Re: This forum is dead

I look at this forum almost every day since I am now my mother's full time caregiver. I see topics I intend to comment on but forget to and then they are not "current" anymore so I don't. I think a lot of others do the same. If they are working full time,they probably only check in now and then. If they are not working and frustrated and depressed over not finding a job,I think they would rather just read and not talk about what they are going through. It can be a painful, almost shameful thing to get all that training and high hopes for having a career in the medical field and then nothing happens.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: RMA

Are You Still In School? Graduated 2 years ago

Are You Working? Now and then

Re: This forum is dead

How is your job going? Are you working as an MA?

Your Professional Title/Credentials: BS, AD, PNCC

Are You Still In School? Yes

Are You Working? No

Re: This forum is dead


Your Professional Title/Credentials: RMA

Unsatisfied MA's need to look at themselves!

I only recently found this forum and have been reading through the various topics. It seems that most participants are very frustrated with their MA positions or lack of.I am very surprised at the lack of basic spelling skills used in the postings. If this is any indication of the quality of professionalisim in the work place then I am not surprised
about the number of people who either can't get a job
or hate their low-paying job. I recieve resumes a 12 year old would write. They are appalling! This is the first contact an employer has with you. How well do you present yourself. New hires? Show up before you are scheduled to work. Look professional. PLEASE don't wear scrubs that look like you slept in them.
Please don't bring your family problems to work. EVERYONE has problems. As an MA you treat sick people. That is why you chose this profession. To help people. Your patients don't want to hear about
your sick kids, the divorce you are going through
etc!!!!!!!!! Leave it all at home. I promise.....
a professional work ethic will benefit you in all aspects of the job. From salary to respect!

Your Professional Title/Credentials: cma

Are You Still In School? no

Are You Working? yes

Re: This forum is dead

You could use some spelling and grammar help yourself. However, you make a valid point. With all the complaints I have regarding my MA program, at least a resume writing/interview seminar was mandatory as well as a class called Organizational Behavior...which basically covered how to act professionally. I am so happy to finally be in a professional environment. It makes such a difference in how I feel about going to work everyday.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: RMA

Are You Still In School? NO

Are You Working? Yes

Re: This forum is dead

I am working as an MA in an internal medicine clinic. There are 9 MD's and a total of 40 employees. I am so pleased with this position. Thanks for asking. How about you?


Your Professional Title/Credentials: RMA

Are You Still In School? NO

Are You Working? Yes

Re: This forum is dead


It's good to hear that you like your position. I'm waiting to hear about a position in a Pediatric Clinic.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: BS, AD, PNCC

Are You Still In School? Yes

Are You Working? No

Re: This forum is dead

I agree, this forum is dead.

I wonder what happened to Danni?