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MA Newsletter ideas?

I am an MA student asked to take charge of the Institute of Healthcare's newsletter at my school. I'm having trouble finding a front-page article. I have articles on various health topics, but nothing I'd really want to feature. I previously had an article on an instructor at my school becoming Instructor of the Year across all campuses, but he was too embarrassed about it and nixed it, so I have to write about something else. Nobody seems to want to write articles for me, so I have to practically do the whole newsletter myself. Does anyone have any ideas for me? What would you like to read about? What is worthy of front-page status? What should I write and how can I get others to write for me? Thank you!

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Re: MA Newsletter ideas?

That's easy-EVERY student is concerned about one thing mostly-getting a job. Many are aware of the fact that in some areas,it is very hard. This should be addressed at every school-What Will My School Do To Help Me in My Job Search? You could contact former students and ask them for some feedback (IF that would be allowed). Or other programs in your area and talk to their former and current students on this subject. Also,go to and read every medical assistant forum on there. You will see some very bright sounding,NICE people who are having a heck of a time finding something for which they were trained for.