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Prior Authorizations

I just have to ask how other MA's are managing the growing number of prior auths for scripts? I could literally spend half the day just doing those and I'm getting so frustrated with it because it's taking time away from much more important tasks. I've tried going to my manager but she expects everything to get done at the end of the day, including prior auths. Suggestions please!

Your Professional Title/Credentials: RMA

Are You Still In School? n

Are You Working? y

Re: Prior Authorizations

We have a person that does all of our authorizations for private insurance. If it is Medicaid or Medicare the pharmacy does a TAR.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: CCMA-C, CLD

Are You Still In School? Nursing school (BSN)

Are You Working? Self employed certified birth doula

Re: Prior Authorizations

Hi Hearts
What is a TAR?

Your Professional Title/Credentials: RMA

Are You Still In School? n

Are You Working? y

Re: Prior Authorizations

Treatment Authorization Request. At least that is what they call it in California, I am not sure if other states have it, it might be called something else.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: CCMA-C, CLD

Are You Still In School? Nursing school (BSN)

Are You Working? Self employed certified birth doula