This active Medical Assistant Web Forum is maintained by Danni R., former Certified Medical Assistant, who has made her mark on the Internet by reaching thousands of medical assistant students, graduates and experienced medical assistants coast to coast through her well known websites and web forums dedicated to ALL medical assistants in the USA and abroad. Many medical assistant students and professionals have come and gone, leaving posts about their dreams, concerns and aspirations. Many reached out whenever possible to lend a helping hand to their peers in the true spirit of this profession! Thank you to all who have supported and contributed to this very active Medical Assistant Web Forum.

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I wanted to see, :
1)Did you find a job after graduation, how long did it take?
2)Where do you live around?
4) Do you think you can get a job while still studying to take your CMA exam? Will they hire you if they know your going to take it.

Re: SuRvEy..............!

1)Did you find a job after graduation, how long did it take?

Yes, 4 months. Until a few months before graduation I really didn't start putting in applications, in retrospect I should have put in while doing my externship.

2)Where do you live around?



$12.40 hr.

4a) Do you think you can get a job while still studying to take your CMA exam?

Yes, several classmates did.

4b) Will they hire you if they know your going to take it.

Some employers may look favorably or require CMA or RMA exams.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: CMA (AAMA)

Re: SuRvEy..............!

answers to your survey:
1. I did find a job after graduation. My externship site hired me roughly two weeks after I finished.

2. I live in Orlando, Fl.

3. $11.50 per hour

4. yes you can still look for a job while studying for your cma exam. I had my resume ready to roll right after my externship. I took my exam about a month after I finished my externship. Three of my classmates all are working in the field and they are still a week or so away from taking their exams. So. I guess yes to the 2nd part of question 4.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: CMA

Are You Still In School? NO

Are You Working? YES

Re: SuRvEy..............!

I no longer practice as a CMA. I graduated in 2001. I got a job offer a few weeks before I graduated at the clinic I was doing my internship at. I live in California. Pay at that time was just over 8 per hour with medical benefits. You can totally study and take the exam while working, it is douable.