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Institute of Technology - California

I just signed up to attend the Institute of Technology in Californa. Will be taking the Professoinal Medical Assisting program. The program is 9 months, $15,000. of which I did qualify for the max for a Pell Grant. (I know, I probably could have done this type of program at a Community College. Distance is the biggest issue)

After reading all of these posts, I am greatly concerned that this school might also be a "Diploma Mill" school. How do I find more out about this specific school? They are accredited with ACCSCT.

What do you all think? I live within a small town with NOT alot of options for schooling available. Has anyone else ever attended this school (they have 4 or 5 throughout California).


Re: Institute of Technology - California

There are several questions I would ask...

Can you give me, you, contact information on recent graduates.

Do they have or keep statistics on placement and certification/registration rates. I can tell you my instructors can tell you that off the top of their head. They know who has a job, who didn't get jobs and, very important to them, first time certification pass rate and scores. My school took great pride in having a nearly flawless pass rate and high scores on the AAMA certification.

What externship sites have they used recently? Contact the clinics used for or have hosted externship students, ask about the schools reputation and the how they felt about the Student MAs performance. To guarantee you will get the straight poop on how prospective employers feel about the school you are looking at, do not do it over the phone, you need to read the body language as well as vocal inflections and specific verbiage used to describe the school. What they don't say is as important as what they do say. Is it a great school, with a blank face and neutral body posture. Or is it a fine school with a smile, a knowing glint in the eye, and a testimonial about a recent grad they hired? I belive a big reason I got hired into my current position was my schools reputation, not really anything I put on my resume or cover letter.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: CMA (AAMA)