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I plan on graduating this December 2010 and want to take CMA exam shortly after. I want to get a good review book soon that is easy to understand, interesting, and helpful so I can start studying over the summer before next semester starts (Ill be too busy then to study extra). I just found out I got a 4.0 this semester :) Anyways,I did look on the site and was wondering if anyone could recommend a GREAT review book? I was thinking of going to BORDERS to buy a book since I do not have a way to buy one online. The only more recent ones that came up on their website were: Kaplan Medical Assistant Exam review 2nd edition came out last march I believe by Diann L. Martin for $35 but I think a new edition will be out in December (I read mixed reviews on this one) T he 2nd one is: Medical Assistant Exam Review:Prep for the cma by J.P.Cody for $65. I think the store said they may only have the first one in stock. THANKS FOR ANY SUGGESTIONS

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Re: GOOD REVIEW BOOK PLEASE?! How are these?

I just took the CCMA test from NHA and I used the Kaplan book to study along with a study guide that is supplied from NHA. I studied for one month and I feel very good about my test. The study guide is almost the exact test they give. They word the questions different but if you learn the material not just study it you will do fine. Kaplan book is excellent. I got my book from library, why pay for a book you may not have to use again? Your books from school will serve as reference books later if you have questions about something. Good Luck!

Re: GOOD REVIEW BOOK PLEASE?! How are these?

I will be graduating from Kaplan in November and also plan to take the CMA exam shortly after. The AAMA has a practice exam you can take to test your knowledge.

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