This active Medical Assistant Web Forum is maintained by Danni R., former Certified Medical Assistant, who has made her mark on the Internet by reaching thousands of medical assistant students, graduates and experienced medical assistants coast to coast through her well known websites and web forums dedicated to ALL medical assistants in the USA and abroad. Many medical assistant students and professionals have come and gone, leaving posts about their dreams, concerns and aspirations. Many reached out whenever possible to lend a helping hand to their peers in the true spirit of this profession! Thank you to all who have supported and contributed to this very active Medical Assistant Web Forum.

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If you want the RMA preview test.....

I have the whole test (and answers) from AMT saved on a Yahoo email account that I hardly look at anymore. When I do, I will see at least one request for the preview test and sometimes it is AFTER they have already taken a scheduled exam, which makes me feel guilty that I missed sending them something that might have helped them study. If you are interested in looking it over, please write to and NOT llc_rma etc.

PS-Please email ME and not post your email on here for me to send the test to. For one thing my computer will not allow a "click here" option for emails but also it's easier to just hit "Reply" to send out the tests.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: RMA