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No Respect as MA

I have been working for the same doctors office, internal/peds almost 5yrs now. I do like it, but I feel I could do better. I also do not like it when one of the doctors yells at us. When he calls on me no matter what I am doing I have to literally drop what I am doing and go to him immediately. He just started training me to draw blood, I was so nervous at first, but I am finally getting it. He is at my side watching me step by step. He did tell me I am getting better. The way he taught me is totally different how I was taught in school. I feel I get no respect sometimes. I wonder if any body else feels this way. I thought of nursing but the waiting list is so long and I'm tired of school. I would like to learn more about the front part and verifying insurances. I mostly work the back, but we all have to do both. I don't unerstand the deductibles. I just want to know if anyone else works for doctors who yell at them.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: CMA

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Re: No Respect as MA

Recently my work assignment has changed.
We have an MA who the doctor “yelled at.” I was assigned to take over that MAs position. I was happy where I was, I liked working for the other doc, yet don’t really mind the new assignment. I would not have chosen this new assignment, if I had my druthers. The doctor is fairly particular about things. He doesn’t like having to say things over and over, and have a response from the MA like it is the first time they have heard what he is saying. I would get irritated after a while too; I have gotten irritated with people in the past for having me repeat, repeat and repeat things. Things came to a head and I got the short straw, even after the other MA walked out in the middle of a shift. I can totally understand why other providers do not want to work with this MA. I too have had to repeat myself only to have them get it wrong and then be told that is what I had said. I call BS. Be a professional, do your job and quit whining.
In a past life I made a resolution that I would write things down that I have to look up more than once. if I have to borrow a tool more than twice I ought to buy my own.
This provider has yelled “at” me too, for stupid things. The hospital ER doctor told the lab to culture urine according to his notes and the copy of the order. Yet, when we call the hospital medical records and lab, we find out it wasn’t done… not my fault. He is blowing off steam and I’m nearly as upset as he is about the blatant incompetence of these bunglers at the hospital; in this area it is well known, you take your chances if you don’t drive the extra miles to the next hospital. Most of the time, when he is hollering, it isn’t personal and I’m just as thrilled our patient got the short and poopity end of the stick. I hate to have to tell him some things because I know it will ruin his day, but I keep it to myself until the appropriate time so I don’t screw up the flow of the office. I think back to my externship, one of the MAs I worked with tried to show me how she directed her doctor. She made sure he ate, got breaks and stayed on task.
I’m there to make the providers life easier, not the other way around. If we work well as a team we make each other look good.
There is no excuse for treating a coworker like crap regardless of your title. It doesn’t matter where you work or what your industry is, acting like a grown up and expecting that in return is the way things need to be. If there isn’t mutual respect it is time to cut your losses and move on.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: CMA (AAMA)

Are You Still In School? nope

Are You Working? yep

Re: No Respect as MA

Wow, jefff, very, very, very good response. I almost said article, but that's not what it is. The best articles, or in this case, responses are those written straight from the heart, shot straight from the hip, and down to earth, saying it exactly as it is. You have touched on many areas that encompass the medical assistant's daily routine, or should I say "rut". Whichever, much was said that is so true. I know you are not alone, but not all of your peers understand as well as you do that not everything thant is dumped on them throughout the day is meant to be personal and essentailly, the medical assistant's rols is to make the providers life easier and not the other way around. While at times it may be easier said than done, to work well as a team you make each other look good. The ultimate goal is to help the patients and have a well going medical practice that people can trust and rely on.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: Website Owner/Forum Admin

Re: No Respect as MA

To ggrace, I understand your frustrations but I have to remind you that as a medical assistant your job IS to make the providers life easier. When he calls you you have to respond, regardless of what you are doing. That doesn't mean you drop everything and jump. If you are in the middle of a blood draw, you can simply acknowledge that you will be there in just a moment. While doctors would prefer that you have two heads, ten hands, and at times two of you they know that this is not possible and have to give respect where respect is given. Don't stress, and don't harbor any ill feelings, because it will shine through, not only with your patients, and performance, but the doctory, who IS YOUR BOSS, will notice it, also. And don't make the mistake to think you are irreplacable just because you know how to do certain things the way the doctor likes it to be done. That is one of the biggest mistakes employees can make: is to think they cannot be replaced. People are literally standing in line for your job, so play it cool, be professional, and appreciate the opportunities given to you. However, if you feel the doctor is unreasonable and downright abusive, start looking elsewhere, but still, do an excellent job till you resign so that you get good references. It's a small world, reputation and word of mouth runs big.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: Website Owner/Forum Admin

Re: No Respect as MA

Thanks for the response. I do appreciate my job and thankful everyday for it. My pay is decent plus the doctors pay all of my insurance each month, which is not cheap. When I say the doctor yells at me, I know it's because he has been in the business for a long time and he is about to retire. I mentioned to him I was interested in learning phlebotomy and was going to go to school for it. Instead he told my to save my money and he would teach me. Right now it is the doctor who draws the blood. The doctors I work for don't let the MA's give injections or draw blood. I understand it probably has to do with the malpractice insurance. However I have been drawing the blood while the doctor is by my side. I just wanted to know how others felt. I do feel blessed and I will keep my mouth shut.. Thanks!

Your Professional Title/Credentials: CMA

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Are You Working? yes