This active Medical Assistant Web Forum is maintained by Danni R., former Certified Medical Assistant, who has made her mark on the Internet by reaching thousands of medical assistant students, graduates and experienced medical assistants coast to coast through her well known websites and web forums dedicated to ALL medical assistants in the USA and abroad. Many medical assistant students and professionals have come and gone, leaving posts about their dreams, concerns and aspirations. Many reached out whenever possible to lend a helping hand to their peers in the true spirit of this profession! Thank you to all who have supported and contributed to this very active Medical Assistant Web Forum.

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Inspiration is half the battle... (Smile)

Somehow I had not noticed the following post until today, one month after it was posted by karmaadm. Thank you very much. This message made my day.
I had no idea...

Mar 11th, 2006 - 8:10 PM Re: medical assisting

I agree: Danni's dedication to the field of MA is so valuable... I found the site before I ever entered school, and Danni motivated and educated me about becoming an MA. Now, that I'm actually practicing, I still find this site great: it's a place where MAs can chat about the issues that impact our field, and offer/obtain advice and feedback.
Don't know what we would do without ya, Danni...

Your Professional Title/Credentials: Web Site Owner/Site Admin

Are You Still In School? no

Are You Working? yes

Re: Inspiration is half the battle... (Smile)

Seriously, Danni... you are the reason I entered the field.

I remember, years ago, coming across your website (which was SO much different than today), and reading your story about your son. I thought, "This is an amazing woman, with amazing talent!"

I don't know if you remember or not, but I must have written you 20+ e-mails, asking questions about Medical Assisting. You always answered me, and gave me the knowledge I needed to make the decision: to enter a Medical Assisting degree program, and dedicate my life to helping others.

I went through school, started working in the field, and helping people became my life. I was so passionate about it, but I had no one to talk to (my friends weren't exactly eager to hear about my days of drawing blood and taking x-rays of broken bones). That's when I remembered this site. And I've been hooked ever since...

Thanks, again (and again, and again), Danni.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: RMA, BMO