This active Medical Assistant Web Forum is maintained by Danni R., former Certified Medical Assistant, who has made her mark on the Internet by reaching thousands of medical assistant students, graduates and experienced medical assistants coast to coast through her well known websites and web forums dedicated to ALL medical assistants in the USA and abroad. Many medical assistant students and professionals have come and gone, leaving posts about their dreams, concerns and aspirations. Many reached out whenever possible to lend a helping hand to their peers in the true spirit of this profession! Thank you to all who have supported and contributed to this very active Medical Assistant Web Forum.

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So about that job I landed in Dermatology...

I started last week and I am a quick learner, pick up on things very fast. In our clinic they do Phototherapy with a UV booth. The other medical assistant and nurse in the department kept saying that its very involved and you need to learn alot before you can operate it by yourself.

All the patients are regular patients and have their info in the booth's operating system already. I had been walked through the procedure numerous times. I was told how to calculate the amount to increase the dose by depending upon the patients skin type and results of their last treatment. The medical assistant was off for the day and I couldnt find the nurse. She was gone for a half hour without telling me where she had gone and the patient was complaining about running so late. After searching and asking everyone about her whereabouts I decided to put him in the booth myself. There was no problems with his treatment, it went well. He was gone for about 15 minutes before she appeared. I told her about the patient and she told me I wasn't supposed to do that. She called the clinic manager who put me on suspension indefinetly until she could look into the matter more in depth. I dont think they will be taking me back from the sounds of it.

I have only been there for these 2 weeks. No one ever told me there were competencies that needed to be obtained before I would be able to do certain things. They never told me anything about competencies for ANY procedures. I suppose I should have made the patient wait til whenever the nurse reappeared but I place customer service as a high priority.

It was wrong of me to do this, I see that now. I didn't realise how wrong it was at the time or I never would have done it.

Don't you think it was a little harsh to pretty much fire me so early in my training? Shouldnt some leeway be given considering the lack of training I received?
Or should I just accept it as a harsh lesson?

Your Professional Title/Credentials: RMA, CMA

Are You Still In School? no

Are You Working? YES!

Re: Suspended

Boy I don't know. This seems to be a safety issue, so how they deal with that depends on the individual facility. Good luck!

Your Professional Title/Credentials: RMA/ CNA/ SN

Are You Still In School? yes

Are You Working? yes

Re: Suspended

I am truly sorry to hear your story! I am sure everybody who reads this is. We understand concerns and questions medical assistants have and we know the confusion aroun medical assistant's scope of practice.

Not only are we medical assistants confused, so are physicians, licensed health care practitioners, and medical office managers. They, too are not always 100%sure of what tasks can be assigned to the medical assistants they supervise. Post after post in this medical assistant web forum and the Yahoo Medical Assistant group prove it!!!

Medical assistants who don't know or disregard established professional standards and attempt to perform procedures or tasks beyond their training, capabilities, or scope of practice are in danger of exposing themselves, supervisors, and the medical office all together to serious consequences and possible liability issues.

This is where most medical office supervisors react with harsh measures. Over the years I have seen and heard many stories where medical assistants were immediately suspended and dismissed without any further counseling or second chances. The fear of damaging their reputation and the consequences of a malpractice law suit is overwhelming. Where so much is at stake, there just rarely are second chances given, especially when it comes to new staff members where trust has not yet been established.

Now, don't get me wrong! Often times it is not the medical assistant's own fault. Like I said before, even the management and supervisors are not always sure what the medical assistant's scope of practice is.

It is their job to clearly delineate and communicate the medical assistant's role and responsibilities to them and other medical office staff.

For example, it should be made clear that medical assistants are not allowed to make independent medical assessments (triage) or give medical advice at any time under any circumstances.

Many states mandate that anybody performing phlebotomy, EKG and X-ray must have a specific licence to do so. Medical assistants who draw blood in California and those who perform point of care testing in Georgia are also required to be certified.

For more information go directly to
Medical Assistant Site Scope of Practice and Wages at

In closing I want to remind all medical assistants and their instructors and supervisors to make it their top priority to clearly define and communicate rules and regulations that affect medical assistants and medical office staff to promote a healthy and safe work environment, and success.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: Website Owner/Site Admin

Re: Suspended


I am truely sorry this happened to you! I have been a Medical Assistant for 15 years and for each job I have had (switching departments) job duties have change greatly. I was given great advice (way back when I was at school from my clinical teacher) Never "assume" because you don't want to make an "ASS" of "U" and "ME"

For all the medical assistants out in the field this is a sure safe method to help in any situation find out who your manager is at the job - this is the only number/person you need. When a situation occurs and unsure of policy or procedure you would talk to this person for directions (I have even asked a doctor how he would like me to assist patients, you will find they like you to ask questions. This way you are following directions from the floor manager/doctors, and the responsibility will not be yours. Unfortunately, medical assistants are placed in sticky situation,I promise you this will be a life saver for you in every job.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: Medical Assistant

Are You Still In School? no

Are You Working? yes

Re: Suspended

Donna, I am really sorry to hear you were suspended. What the office is attempting to do by suspending you, is to CYA (Cover Your Ass) except in this case, they are trying to cover THEIRS.

Keep this in mind, make sure you find out what "taks" require you to be "signed off" before you attempt to take them on yourself. Sounds like your office doesn't have a really good policy to get their personnel properly trained and their lack of communication has resulted in a misfortune for you.

I too had something like this occur - doing something I was not authorized to do - although no one ever informed my of proper procedure. I lost a job over that one but I don't really care. I don't want to work for those people anyway.

Still, I think the practice is trying to cover their butts in case "something occurs" and you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I am so sorry. Keep your chin up and look elsewhere for employment.

Your Professional Title/Credentials: BSE; RMA(AMT)

Are You Still In School? no