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Something Fun To Comment On:RN Claims "I Didn't Know!" Believe her or not?


This is a true story. Tell me if you believe the RN statements.

Two person office. One RN, other MA. MA with a fractured bone in the foot and sprained ankle.

MA was cleared for work but with work restricts.The MA gives copies of all paperwork to RN/Head Nurse and Director about the injury and states restricts.

Nurse is required to go to meetings and states she will be gone for 15mins. Goes to mtg. She returns about one hour later. When she returns she states she needs to go to another mtg. The MA reminds her co-worker (RN) of her limitations. The RN gets defensive and states her job should not be restricted just because the MA is restricted.

Now, the RN by leaving the office put the MA in a terrible situation. Required to do seated work only and in the RN absents, needed to get up and do clinical work. The MA only thought it was for 15 mins. The RN stated she did not know the MA had work restrictions until the day of the mtg. (MA was working 1 week 1/2 with these restrictions)

Do you believe the RN (with all her education, with the paperwork from her co-worker and the co-worker communications) SHE DIDN"T KNOW?

Let me know what you think. This is going on at work and many people see this differently.

It is important to not over - react in these situations and sometimes sit back, talk it over with a friend.

Please comment

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Re: Something Fun To Comment On:RN Claims "I Didn't Know!" Believe her or not?

Is the staff RN and the head nurse the same person? If so, then yes they should have known because the paperwork was provided. If not, it is hard to say if the head nurse notifed the staff RN, that can be "he said she said". If it has been going on 1 1/2 weeks, I'd say they should have known by then regardless. had they not seen the MA sitting with their foot up in the last week and a half?.

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Re: Something Fun To Comment On:RN Claims "I Didn't Know!" Believe her or not?

The RN works in a two person office with the MA. The RN filled out the workmens comp paperwork and collected the restriction letters from the MA. Made a copy for the office and sent to the Admin Office. Oh she knew alright!

What would everyone do at this point?

Your Professional Title/Credentials: Medical Assistant

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Re: RN Claims "I Didn't Know!" Believe her or not?

The situation sends a very clear message: I don't respect you. Send your messsage back just as lound and clear, but in a way that works for you. Here is what I would do:

Nothing with regards of confrontation. I'd elect to grin and bear it, but immediately start looking and applying for another job. I'd give my 1 or 2 weeks notice as soon as I have another offer, and then ask for a GOOD LETTER of RECOMMENDATION signed by the doctor.

A good reference is worth it's weight in gold. A confrontation leads to frustration and ill feelings. By getting out you are getting even.

Danni R.

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Re: Something Fun To Comment On:RN Claims "I Didn't Know!" Believe her or not?


This situation is one of a legal matter now. Work place did not conform to work restrictions. This nurse could be in more trouble than her anger! Always follow workmens comp restriction to a "T" and just because a co-worker doesn't agree it restricts them, guess what, it does. According to workmens comp - you need to accom the worker and if no accom s made - you can be out on disability. Learn something new everyday. This is move serious because I don't think the boss knew of the situation until it was brought to their attention by - The RN herself - she thought she was right - and still thinks she was right. Hope she is happy with the legal situation that is now infront of them!

I wished them both well!

Your Professional Title/Credentials: Medical Assistant

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