This active Medical Assistant Web Forum is maintained by Danni R., former Certified Medical Assistant, who has made her mark on the Internet by reaching thousands of medical assistant students, graduates and experienced medical assistants coast to coast through her well known websites and web forums dedicated to ALL medical assistants in the USA and abroad. Many medical assistant students and professionals have come and gone, leaving posts about their dreams, concerns and aspirations. Many reached out whenever possible to lend a helping hand to their peers in the true spirit of this profession! Thank you to all who have supported and contributed to this very active Medical Assistant Web Forum.

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I have a question, i have not worked in 7 years and i have been on disibility for 6 of those years and i will graduate in september 07 and i just want to know what can i do to make my self stand out because i haven't worked in so long,to let every one know my disability is diabetes related but has become manageable in the last 2 years. please help!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Professional Title/Credentials: MA student

Are You Still In School? yes

Are You Working? no

Re: disability

One of the greatest things, (believe it or not) is your disabaility itself. Diabetes in one of THE MAJOR diseases affecting people today. So there very fact that you UNDERSTAND and COPE WITH the disease and HAVE IT UNDER CONTROL is an assest for you in the medical community.

During an interview you may wish to explain how you can be an assest by providing diabetic education and understanding to the doctor's patient who have this horrible disease.

Next, what are some things you accomplished during school that you feel are extremly worthwhile? I'll tell you a little story about one of my former students: I assigned a paper and had each student present the topic orally to the rest of the class. This particular student was "really scared" to get up in front of the class but did so anyway and performed admirably. She mentioned this in a couple of interviews - she had an accomplishment. Sit down and think real hard - you'll be able to come up with several reasons.

Good luch in your job search!!!

Your Professional Title/Credentials: B.S.E., RMA, AHI

Are You Still In School? no

Are You Working? yes