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Turtle Bay Is Doomed

I went to the Fascist* Rally, that the Gov. labeled a "Talk Story". What a shameful meeting that was. First it was advertised as a dialogue. It was nothing of the sort. The entire room was draped with banners from groups opposing Turtle Bay. Tables full of anti Turtle Bay crap. The "program" was a procession of leaders from the protesters and their willing Fascist leader. The "open mike" was a parade of the leaders of the protest movement. It took all my will power not to stand up and shout "LIARS, HYPOCRITES, FASCISTS!!!" I so wanted to say something but I did like the other sheep led to slaughter and sat on my hands and my brain.

2 people very politely did not follow the orders of the Fascist Gov and dared question the Gov's intentions. They were both lectured. This meeting was a farce, a rubber stamp from a lying group of legislators and their willing jack sandled green shirted henchmen and women.

Turtle Bay did themselves no favors by not doing or saying anything. If they don't fight for themselves, why should I? I left before the end because it made me sick to see the work Kahuku did maligned, dismissed and ultimately destroyed. The State of Hawaii will destroy Turtle Bay.

Mark my words 5 years from now, less jobs, junk hotel and property, money down the drain and Lingle no where to be found. These people want weeds, they will get weeds.

*Fascist - noun

1. often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

Re: Turtle Bay Is Doomed

I totally agree! The jobs will be gone and as if thats not bad enough the whole area will go down. Lets band together with a responsible developer and do it right.

Re: Turtle Bay Is Doomed

Hoonani, what is the right way? Is there one? What would you personally propose it be?

Re: Turtle Bay Is Doomed

Anyone responding to my last question would be greatly appreciated!