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Keep the North Shore Country Forum
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Here are other comments from Supporters:

Hands off!

Keep it clean and pristine. Do your "developing" elsewhere.

Please let me know of anything I can do to help.

I was practically raised on Kawela Bay before Campbell Estate sold out to the Kepanese. I would hate to see yet again another beach destroyed in the name of "tourism"! I know the people there want the jobs but they have to really think about the aina! The developers will come in and promise all kinds of good things until they get what they want! Then the local people will be the ones who end up losing out! I have seen it happen on Moloka'i, Maui, and it will happen here! The last time I went to Kawela I took my Dad, he had not been there in years. He had a really hard time walking to the beach, but he made it and when he got there he started to reminisce about the time we used to spend there and how much fun it was. How it brought our family together, made us closer! Let me know how I can be a part of this! I am so angry! Even though for now I live on the other side of the world, Kawela IS my world! It's my peace! My husband is an oceanographer, if we can help in anyway please, please let me know!

Keep the North Shore country, if someone wants town, tell'em to go to Waikiki!!!

Maintaining the environmental quality is the long term solution.

The Bay is too beautifull to be Developed, The GOD'S will NOT like this! It is a perfect Half Moon! Thay Made it so for a reason!

I am extremely concerned about the development at turtle bay and kawela bay. I have been surfing here since 1981 and have lived here on and off for quite awhile. I moved back recently with my wife and my 2 kids. my daughter is in 3rd grade at sunset elementary and my son is a senior at kahuku. Anyone with any common sense can see that this proposed development is unrealistic if only for the single reason of the impact on local traffic. Can you imagine a Sunday in December with the pipe masters happening and all the folks coming to the kahuku motocross track plus the people coming to "turtle beach" combined with the amount of other people filling THIRTY FIVE HUNDRED new hotel rooms and condos and time share rentals? Can you imagine how clustered that becomes when there is a fatal traffic accident at noon that day on kam highway and the road is automatically shut down for 4 hours? How does the ambulance reach the traffic accident if kam highway is gridlock from kahuku high school all the way to haleiwa? How does my son get to his busboy job in haleiwa? How about all the folks who are living out here and who happened to be working that day in town and after a long shift return home to find out that they cant GET TO THEIR HOME! I understand the complications involved for oaktree because they apparantly purchased the land assuming they could develop it according to the wording of the 1986 agreement but I challenge ANYONE from oaktree to sit down face to face with a group of residents in this area and convince them that this development would be beneficial to ANYONE besides the investors of oaktree.Seriously it seems to me that whenever someone really proposes a logical and sincere objection to the project that the spokespeople for oaktree immediately revert to the 1986 agreement, however silly it seems now.Lets think about this for a second!

Insanity truly prevails in todays crowded world when greedy developers try to take the beauty of the North Shore of Oahu and turn it into a cornicopia of twisted profit to line the coats of some people without a clue. I will continue to stay informed and make contributions to the cause of keeping this special piece of earth the wonderful place it is.
Please keep me informed of any positive steps being taken to save North Shore.

The North Shore is a MAGICAL place...PLEASE keep it that way!

I lived on the north shore from mid 1993 to late 1994. I will return, and would like to see that it doesn't change for the worse.Mahalo,and Aloha.