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WHS '53 John St.Clair's family on TV Show, Mom's Cooking

Roseann St. Clair, John's wife, and their daughter, Stephanie Budelman, are currently featured n one of LifeTime TV's "Mom's Cooking" presentations.

Click HERE to review the show on your computer. It is presented in 3 segments.

John and his children can also be seen in the last part of the show.

John and Rosie's daughter, singer and actress Stephanie, has been performing since she was 2 years old. You can read more about this lovely singer/actress HERE.

John told me about this show about a month ago. Tonight, I just happened to notice I could access it via my Verizon tv cable service. In fact, I'm watching the show as I type this message.

I'm sorry it took me so long to say anything about it.

Aaaaargh! I can't type.!

Please note that John did not graduate from WHS in 1953; he was a member of the 1963 WHS graduating class.

Sorry for the mixup