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unrealistic reactions

okay, here's another question that needs a disclaimer saying that columbo is my favorite show ever, and i am only picking at it out of affection.

i was thinking of a couple of interactions in the shows that struck me as unrealistic. i am wondering if others have noticed scenes in which the reactions of hte characters did not seem to fit what was going on.

here are mine:

1. in "the most dangerous match," linda robinson starts out hating emmett clayton. she calls him despicable and blurts out sarcastic comments about him when columbo is talking about his nephew who idolizes clayton ("that makes two of them!") she talks about how much clayton wants to win and that dudek will defeat him at the only thing that matters to him.

yet when columbo is sitting with her at the hospital, questioning her about whether anyone saw the list of medications before dudek died, it never seems to enter her mind that his questions mean that clayton might be involved. she insists, "but he gave it right back," and never seems to acknowledge the seriousness of what columbo is implying, vis a vis clayton. i would think she would be putting teh information together and might exclaim to columbo, "do you think emmett clayton did this??!!!"

i had a similar reaction when columbo is talking to steven spellberg in "mind over mayhem." columbo seems interested when steven tells him that dr. cahill never asked him to go to the movies before. steve even asks why columbo is intrigued by that, but when columbo explains that his interest is always piqued when people do something different than they have always done, steven the genius does not appear to make the connection that columbo is implicating cahill. he just acts dumb and says, "oh, okay." i would think that he might look curious and shocked and say something like, "are you considering dr. cahill a suspect???!!!"

anybody else have scenes like this? times when characters don't react the way you think they would?

Re: unrealistic reactions

"Dead Weight" includes such a reaction.

Considering that General Hollister immediately tells Columbo "The bedrooms are this way" when he see that the Lieutenant is heading in the direction of where Roger Dutton's body is hidden, it is surprising that Hollister is so willing to show Columbo that handgun during the very same scene. That handgun is located very close to the hiding place, and undoubtedly very close to that button to push which will reveal the location of the corpse.

Re: unrealistic reactions

I think you are reading too much into these scenes.

In reverse order:

The General is playing the bluff. It's something that we all do at times. Being too overly cautious can often be worse than just playing and acting normally.

For instance, if you were spotted by a friend in a restaurant with someone other that your spouse or partner (even if the reason you are there is completely innocent). The thing to do is play it cool. They would normally naturally assume that your spouse knows you are there and wouldn't mention it to them (in fact they'd probably forget instantly). It's only if you make a big deal of it they will become suspicious and you're be worse off.

Steven is just a boy, despite being a genius.

Linda probably doesn't know what to think. Although she was Emmett's fiancée, so she should have known about his photographic memory.

When watching Columbo (and any other series) remember three things:

1. It is fiction.
2. You are watching as a dispassionate third party.
3. In the same situation you may well act the same.

It's like when someone steps into the road in front of a car - some people freeze, others jump out of the way. Would you say that those who freeze
are showing an "unrealistic reaction"?

Re: unrealistic reactions

David, I agree that Hollister led Columbo too close to that button for comfort. Remember how Columbo impulsively started pulling on the cord to call the butler in "Dagger of the Mind"?

Raziel, Maybe you are right, but I love reading too much into the episodes! They are my friends!

Re: unrealistic reactions

Raziel: ""if you were spotted by a friend in a restaurant with someone other that your spouse. The thing to do is play it cool."""


Speaking from experience??

Re: unrealistic reactions

As far as an unrealistic reactions, I think if someone hit me in the back of the head with a microscope, I'd probably turn around and punch them instead of dropping dead.

Re: Re: unrealistic reactions

Dropping dead was probably not his first choice, it just turned out that way.

Re: unrealistic reactions

"..his interest is always piqued when people do something different than they have always done.."

This frase has helped me so many times. And, no, I am not talking about a cheating husband, thank god.

Re: unrealistic reactions

"As far as an unrealistic reactions, I think if someone hit me in the back of the head with a microscope, I'd probably turn around and punch them instead of dropping dead."

I think you have a very optimistic view as to how hard the back of your head is. Remember she hit him with full force and a proper microscope isn't a light instrument like the kiddy ones you can buy for a few pounds (dollars) in the shops. I think they usually weigh 1kg or more.

Re: unrealistic reactions

I think J. Wilton Jones was just being HUMOROUS (remember that word from before?) regarding the microscope bonk. (Cass, I'm taking your advice with those smilies!)

Re: unrealistic reactions

^ well done e!!! very well done!!!

Re: unrealistic reactions


Re: unrealistic reactions

"Dropping dead was probably not his first choice, it just turned out that way."

Good one!

Re: unrealistic reactions

I've been always thinking that unrealistic reaction was in Blueprint for murder. When the cop asked Markham about licence and registration, and he was so confused.... If i were the cop, I would check everything, seeing his face expression. So for me... not so realistic, but still great show