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Death Hits The Jackpot

Last week (or maybe it was 2 weeks ago), someone posted about the motive of Jarvis Goodland in Greenhouse Jungle. Almost to mirror that we have Death Hits The Jackpot. Here is Freddy, the poor, almost divorced kid who hits a lottery ticket worth over 30 million dollars. Enter Uncle Leon. Uncle Leon is dead broke (despite the fact he lives in a huge house). So, in order that Freddy's 'estranged' wife does not get 1/2 of his money, he and Uncle Leon cook up the plot to sweitch the lotter ticket to Leon's possession.

NOW - Before this happens, Freddy tells his uncle that he would cut him in for 10% right off the top. Let';s do some math....

10% of 30 million is $3 mill. Certainly enough to support dear ole Leon.

$15 mill has to go to his 'almost' ex wife. So what?

That leaves $12 million for Freddy. Not a bad haul. But then again there's Uncle Leon, wanting the whole ball of wax. God, i was glad to see that SOB go down.

Re: Death Hits The Jackpot

Uncle Leon helped raise Freddy & knows better than to trust him. It is doubtful Leon will get jack spit from Freddy who will waste no time in squandering his millions. Uncle Leon ain't gonna let that happen.

Re: Re: Uncle Leon ain't gonna let that happen

"Uncle Leon ain't gonna let that happen"

I love that line!

Re: Death Hits The Jackpot

Wow, answering after 15 years?? Must be my record!

But I think in this particular case, since it was leon getting the lottery money at first, it would be no problem to stick to the plan, he could've simply kept 3 mil or 2,4 mil including taxes like freddie told him and given him the rest, if he hadn't been that greedy.