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Let each man be paid in full...

THE CONSPIRATORS is one of my absolute favorites...especially the thoroughly likeable killer! "A drunken Irishman once wrote..." classic!!!
What do you think?

Re: Let each man be paid in full...


Re: Let each man be paid in full...

Yes! Prescious!

Re: Let each man be paid in full...

very good episode. He does not look like a killer at all. Also really good ending!

Re: Let each man be paid in full...

this was yet another episode where i had to watch it over and over before i fell in love with it, but thankfully i finally did.

at this point in columboville, peter had started that little 'caricature' of columbo, and it was showing. it was showing in a few episodes prior to this. but it just seemed that in this one, it was tamed just a bit.
maybe it was the limericks or maybe it was all the drinking that went on, or maybe it was just those games of darts that calmed peter/columbo down....i don't know...but he was so much better in this one.

and may the stupid american go on and expound?

'dagger of the mind' seems to be a very sore spot for some of you UK'ers, and i can understand. there are british stereotypes flying all over that one.

but in a way i feel 'the conspirators' is a passionate look at the 'war' that has gone on in ireland for so many decades. again, i don't know about this much. but i feel they tried to sympathize a bit for the cause in ireland. it's a touchy subject, especially back then, but i think they did a good job.

Re: Let each man be paid in full...

On the one hand it's a good entertaining story with a lovable rogue but on the other hand these people specialised in murdering civilians, in my city a pub bombing killed 21 innocent people, one of them a young woman aged only 17 that I knew.

Re: Let each man be paid in full...

The beauty of this episode, which as some know is my absolute favourite, is that the drama and excitement continues well after the murder.

Yes, just like any killer, Devlin has to try and be genial with Columbo but keep him from proving any guilt, but then there is the sub-plot of him still needing to get the arms and smuggle them out of the country.

A genuinely exciting conclusion too, with that sense of a race against time as Columbo dashes across the city in his car.

I'm gonna stop now, as I could go on for much longer.

Re: Let each man be paid in full...

Yes, have to agree , a quality installment of columbo
that does not seem to get mentioned much,

love the bit at the start when 'brother' devlin is singing and reciting funny stuff!!!!

Re: Let each man be paid in full...

I remember seeing a re-run of this episode in my childhood and being terrified of Devlin... "We execute traitors, Mr. Pauley." The way he turned from such a cheerful, likeable guy into a killer fanatic really scared me.

Seeing it now, it's not scary at all, but the plot is much more interesting. Is Devlin the only Columbo killer whose ambitions were not to kill just the victim, but possibly innocent civilians as well? (If that's too political or controversial, definitely cut me off right there!!!)

Re: Let each man be paid in full...

This episode is the most boring!!!

Re: Let each man be paid in full...

I love the line of poetry
" The unstained pastures of peace".

Great episode.
Too bad they mistakenly removed the music from a key scene.

Re: Let each man be paid in full...

The unstained pastures of peace is a nice line. I also like: For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad.”.