The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Passing Gas on "Troubled Waters"

In the episode "Troubled Waters", the good Lt. seems to pass some gas and it can clearly be heard. After Columbo first examines the crime scene, he heads to the Dr.'s office to get help for his sea sickness. Just as he reaches the top of the steps just before he reaches the Dr.'s door, you can clearly hear two farts. He even sighs after the 1st one. Now I thought it may have been the floor creaking or the ship settling, but that particular sound is never heard again in the episode. So, say what you will, but I'm convinced it's a fart and the sound guy missed it....or perhaps they left it in. After all, he was experiencing problems with his tummy.

Re: Passing Gas on "Troubled Waters"

They do play close attention to details on the show!

Re: Passing Gas on "Troubled Waters"

Definitely the sound of a fart !! If the programme makers are that good then it's deliberately been left in ........ or added in!!

Re: Passing Gas on "Troubled Waters"

It also happens in Last Salute to the Commodore. When everybody is first on the boat and Columbo leans over to look at where the self-steering vane goes, you can clearly hear it.

Re: Passing Gas on "Troubled Waters"

Also in ''Undercover''''sold'' fart at 33:47