The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Alice Cooper

Hi. I seem to remember an episode that featured Alice Cooper. I don't know why this memory popped into my head - it just did.

Columbo is watching TV and there's Alice and, if I recall, Columbo is perfect in his befuddlement, as usual...

Thanks a lot,

Re: Alice Cooper

Sorry, that didn't happen. Columbo did come across Little Richard once, but I doubt you'd confuse Alice and, er, Little.

More likely you're thinking of the Monk episode which indeed featured Alice Cooper. Monk, knocked way off his game by the mounting stench from a garbage strike, becomes convinced that the murderer was Alice Cooper.

Re: Alice Cooper

Thanks for your response.

I don't think I would mistake Monk for Columbo, but the episode I was thinking about must have been thirty-five years ago, maybe longer ago that that, and I must admit my mind isn't the same now as it was then.

Maybe it was "MacMillan and Wife"? Or McCloud?


Re: Alice Cooper

He also has a Cameo in the Johnny Depp movie Dark Shadows. He plays himself. One more thing about ALice Cooper. He came out of the closet and revealed that he is a Christian!!!

Re: Alice Cooper

Thanks, you've been more than helpful.

Re: Alice Cooper

One more thing about ALice Cooper. He came out of the closet and revealed that he is a Christian!!!

Not only that, he is an avid golfer.

Re: Alice Cooper

not only a christian and a golfer but just like lt.Columbo.................. loyal to his wife for over 35 years...

Re: Alice Cooper

I've done this too--I've been absolutely convinced that I saw a certain scene in a Columbo episode, only to confirm (after getting all the episodes on DVD) that it simply never happened. I assume that I saw the scene on some other show and just got confused, even though I have oddly specific memories of the lines coming out of Columbo's mouth.

Re: Alice Cooper

John, thanks for speaking up -- it's a common trick that the mind plays on us, no need to be embarrassed, and yet some fans will go to great lengths to INSIST they saw a "Columbo" with George Kennedy, or one where we meet Columbo's brother from out-of-town, etc. It happens to the best of us, and probably more often to the best fans.

Re: Alice Cooper

Alice Cooper appeared in the seventies' mystery series The Snoop Sisters:

Re: Alice Cooper

Alice cooper DID make a cameo apearance in Columbo!!!

Re: Alice Cooper

I remember this, too!