The Lt. Columbo Forum

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It's bugging me! Anyone know the name of this actress (uncredited!)...

Just saw the "An Exercise in Fatality" episode, and there was a funny scene
where Columbo needs some info -- and he goes to a large company. The lady behind the counter uses their mainframe computer to get the info -- but Columbo has to wait a long time -- and the lady gets a little snippy with him about it.

Question is -- who is that actress??? Doesn't show up on IMDB, and another forum notes that this role is uncredited.

So... Who is she?!!?

Re: It's bugging me! Anyone know the name of this actress (uncredited!)...

Coincidentally this question came up around a month ago (the post is right below). According to someone's answer her name is Susan Jacobi.

Re: It's bugging me! Anyone know the name of this actress (uncredited!)...

No. That can't be right. That person was credited and was another character.

Re: It's bugging me! Anyone know the name of this actress (uncredited!)...

Why don't you ask Hide-chan, and then go find yourself another playground to play your lame name games??

Re: It's bugging me! Anyone know the name of this actress (uncredited!)...

G-Wiz - what a rude ****** you are.

Re: It's bugging me! Anyone know the name of this actress (uncredited!)...

It appears that unfairly this actress was not at all credited. It may have been a slip up during production, but at any rate I do not see her credited anywhere, included the actual show credits that run at the end.

Susan Jacoby is also an author, and I've seen her photos and watched an interview. It's safe to say this is not the same actress. Although physical appearances can change quite a bit over several decades, it's apparent to me this is not an older version of this mystery actress.

I think the only way to identify her would be to see if she played any other small roles in any other show that ran during that time. She was certainly beautiful and talented enough. I would think she would have landed other roles.

By the way, who was "Rose"? I've watched this again on the DVD and I can't identify a character by that name.

Re: It's bugging me! Anyone know the name of this actress (uncredited!)...

When the question was asked last month, I did a little looking around and only ended up confused. As Taytertot points out, the author/activist Susan Jacoby simply doesn’t fit, even though IMBD is a confused as we are. The IMBD entry for Susan Jacoby includes both the Columbo episode and appearances by the author as “herself”, but lists the actress’ birth year as 1962, which doesn’t fit either the author or the character in the Columbo episode.

She turns up in a Wiki entry as the sister of Scott Jacoby. To further complicate matters, the Jacoby siblings also used the surname Jayne. A TV Guide entry for Susan Jayne Jacoby indicates only one appearance (on “Eight is Enough”, not cited in IMBD). And if all that’s not enough, there is also a Susan Jayne Brown who is also an actress, and totally unrelated to any of this.

So….(sorry G. Whiz), we are left with, who is “Rose”? Who is Susan Jacoby? And who is the actress behind the counter at the data center?
Not very helpful, huh?

Re: It's bugging me! Anyone know the name of this actress (uncredited!)...

I'm an avid Columbo fan and this is one actress I've always wanted identified as well. Her interaction with Columbo is uniquely fun and her portrayal of the snippy personnel clerk is spot-on! I do think however she may be the elusive Susan (Jayne) Jacoby despite later pictures of her looking dissimilar. But there don't seem to be any leads pointing in other directions, so... At any rate, I bet Lt. Columbo would be very proud of our detective work. :)

Re: It's bugging me! Anyone know the name of this actress (uncredited!)...

I also was curious about that actress.I thought she was rather GORGEOUS,and wondered what else she had been in.You're right,that the web info about her is screwed up.The date of her birth would mean she was about 12.Which,of course, is ridiculous. I still couldn't find her true age,but,that IS Susan Jacoby (the actress,not the author, obviously. luck finding out more about her.If I learn anything, I'll post it. Columbo is the BEST!You may know, but I read that Peter Falk chose the coat himself. The car,as well. He saw it on the studio lot and said it was the perfect car for Columbo.I doubt he knew JUST how iconic the whole package would be.Take care.