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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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fun nod to throw momma from the train in murder in malibu epi

hi. i'm a slightly obsessed columbo fan. have been for years. i came across this website a while ago when trying to figure out columbo's first name. :) so much great info!

at any rate, wanted to share this great tidbit that my husband noticed when we were watching murder in malibu. didn't see anyone post about this yet. if yes, sorry for the repeat.

during the scene shot in the publisher/victim's sister jess mccurdy's office, there are several book covers framed on the wall. presumably other authors and books she had published. one has a black frame with red accents and is titled "hot fire" by margaret donner.

this is the fictional book written by character margaret donner from the 1987 film throw momma from the train. another interesting coincidence is that actress kate mulgrew who played margaret donner is also the actress that played mrs. kate columbo in the 1979 spin off series (btw love kate mulgrew, but that series was aweful).

clearly someone on the production of this 1990 episode of columbo had an amazing sense of humor!

Re: fun nod to throw momma from the train in murder in malibu epi

LOL. That's great! I loved that movie, especially the special "book" one of Billy Crystal's students shared with the police.

Re: fun nod to throw momma from the train in murder in malibu epi

I've always been a great fan of it. I know the other book you mean. the "coffee table book" (as the writer calls it very disingenuously).

Re: fun nod to throw momma from the train in murder in malibu epi