The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Whatever happened to Sian Barbara Allen?

Was watching Lovely but Lethal and this question occurred to me. She was the hottest young TV actress in the 1970's,appearing on multiple series such as Columbo,Ironsides,Rockford Files, and on TV movies such as Charles Lindburgh and Scream Pretty Peggy, then she just disappeared off the face of the earth. I always thought there was something a bit odd about her. Does anyone know what happened to her, why she decided to end her acting career so abruptly?

Re: Whatever happened to Sian Barbara Allen?

I found this, written b Barbara about herself:

She's writing now, in fact did some writing in the past too -- she describes writing an episode of "Baretta" that had Ray Bolger in it. Interesting.

Re: Whatever happened to Sian Barbara Allen?


Re: Whatever happened to Sian Barbara Allen?

Still wonder though why she abruptly left acting. To be honest, I did not think that she was that talented. However, whenever I see her, she brings back a flood of memories. She was I think John Boy's girlfriend.

Re: Whatever happened to Sian Barbara Allen?

Her bio on IMDB says

"Unfortunately, for reasons that are seemingly unknown, Sian quit show biz, and has now gone on to live a more private life. Sian is the older sister of flash fiction author, editor and teacher Meg Pokrass. She has married and had a daughter, who has now apparently graduated college. She now lives in Southern California."

Re: Whatever happened to Sian Barbara Allen?

I remember her in a very good first season Rockford Files, as a missing girl in with the wrong crowd.

Re: Whatever happened to Sian Barbara Allen?

Every time I watch Lovely but Lethal I always think she looks slightly too wholesome to be a heavy smoker - somehow the smoking seems more unlikely than being mixed up in industrial espionage and blackmail...